10 Instant Relieving and Effective Yoga Asanas For Sciatica

Yoga Asanas For Sciatica:- Yogasan is such an ancient technique, which is being adopted by all the people of the country and abroad today to stay healthy. This can reduce the symptoms of many diseases. The name of sciatica is also included in the list of physical problems that can be cured with its help. Yes, yoga can also be helpful in getting relief from the pain caused by sciatica. Many parts of the body are affected by sciatica, which has a bad effect on the ‘quality of life’

What are the problems and symptoms of sciatica?

Sciatica is a problem that affects the sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the body. This nerve controls the muscles at the back of the knee and lower leg. Due to this nerve, the body feels the back of the thigh, the part of the lower leg and the soles of the feet. For this reason, all these parts can be affected if there is sciatica. Some of its symptoms are as follows.

  • Pain from waist to feet.
  • Feeling of weakness
  • Numbness or tingling feeling.
  • This pain starts from the lower back and moves to the feet, shins and toes.
  • It usually occurs on only one side of the body.

How can yoga help in sciatica?

How can yoga help in sciatica
Yoga Asanas For Sciatica

Yogasanas can help reduce the symptoms of sciatica to some extent. It can help reduce the intensity of pain as well as improve the function of the body part affected by sciatica .

According to a research, the problem of sciatica can be due to inflammation in the lower back and due to neurological effects. Yoga exercises the muscles of the lower back, pelvic (the part between the abdomen and the thigh) and the arms and legs. This improves movement and stimulates the nervous system, thereby reducing the symptoms of sciatica.

10 Yoga Asanas For Sciatica Pain

Practicing yoga daily can provide relief from sciatica pain. Here we are telling about some beneficial yoga for sciatica below. You can do these yogasanas under the supervision of a trained yoga guru, so that there is no mistake of any kind.

1. Ardhamatsyandrasana

In Ardha Matsyendrasana, Ardha means half, Matsya means fish and Indra means king. This asana is also known as Half Spinal Twist Pose and Half Lord of the Fishes Pose in English. This yoga can reduce the symptoms of sciatica by relaxing the spine and muscles, relieving cramps and pain.


  • First of all, sit in the position of Dandasana (legs straight forward) by laying a mat.
  • Now while inhaling, bend the left leg and take it under the right buttock.
  • Then bend the right leg and place it next to the knee of the left leg.
  • During this, the sole of the right foot will remain adjacent to the ground.
  • Now while exhaling comfortably, bend the torso, neck and head to the right as much as possible.
  • Then while moving the left hand over the right knee, try to hold the right ankle.
  • While taking the right hand back, try to keep it on the back.
  • One can stay in this posture for about 30 to 60 seconds.
  • Now come back to Dandasana and then repeat all the steps on the other leg.

2. Bhujangasana

The benefits of Bhujangasana also include the treatment of sciatica. It is called Cobra Pose in English. It has been told in a research that it can relieve sciatica by reducing pain, stiffness and pain caused by bending forward. Below we are telling its method, by following which you can do it easily.


  • First of all, lie down on your stomach by laying a yoga mat on a flat place.
  • After this, keep both the palms in the line of the shoulder.
  • Both the feet should be adjacent to each other.
  • Make sure that both the legs are straight and stretched.
  • After this, while breathing comfortably, try to lift the upper part of the body i.e. from the head to the navel.
  • During this, try to look up towards the sky.
  • Do not forcefully lift the body upwards while doing this yoga. Take the body upwards as easily as it rises.
  • Just keep in mind that the hands should be absolutely straight.
  • Stay in this posture for some time and keep breathing at normal speed.
  • Then exhale and come back to the normal position.
  • You can repeat this asana 3 to 4 times.

3. Shalabhasana

Shalabh means grasshopper. The shape of the body in this yoga posture resembles a grasshopper, hence it is called Shalabhasana. In English it is called locust pose. Shalabhasana is considered to be a better yoga asana for back and back pain. It is mentioned in a research that its regular practice can also improve the condition of sciatica.


  • First of all, lie down on your stomach on a yoga mat.
  • Now place both the hands under the thighs.
  • Now raise the head upwards.
  • Then join both the ankles and raise the legs upwards.
  • Stay in this posture for at least 5 to 10 seconds and keep breathing and exhaling comfortably.
  • Then while exhaling, bring both the legs down and come to the normal posture.
  • In this way, you can do this asana 4 to 5 times.

4. Balasan

Balasan means as easy as a child. It is called Child’s Pose in English. As we have mentioned above that due to sciatica, there is pain in the lower part of the body. It is written in a research that this Balasan can play an important role in reducing lower back pain. For this reason, it is believed that doing Balasana can reduce the pain of sciatica.


  • Laying a mat on a flat place , come to the position of Vajrasana .
  • Now take a long deep breath and raise the hands upwards.
  • After this, while exhaling, bend forward and try to touch the forehead with the ground.
  • After bending, spread both the hands forward and keep them on the ground.
  • Keep in mind that both the palms are adjacent to the ground and keep the buttocks close to the ankles.
  • Now apply light pressure on the thighs.
  • Stay in this posture to the best of your ability.
  • Then while breathing, slowly sit back in the normal position.
  • This cycle can be done about 3 to 5 times.

5. Setubandhasana

Setubandhasana is also known as Bridge Pose. It can also be beneficial for lower back pain. In addition, it can help reduce pain or strain. For this reason, Setubandhasana is also considered beneficial for sciatica.


  • First of all, lie down on your back on the mat.
  • Now bend both the knees and bring the ankles close to the buttocks.
  • After this, try to hold the ankles with both hands.
  • Now while breathing try to raise the waist upwards.
  • Try to touch the chin to the chest.
  • Stay in this position for about 30 seconds while breathing at a normal pace.
  • Now exhale and come to the starting position.
  • This asana can be done 4 to 5 times.

6. Downward Facing Shwanasana

Adhomukhasvanasana is made by combining three words. The first ‘adhomukha’ means face downward, the second ‘swan’ means dog and the third asana. It is also called Downward Dog Pose in English. This yoga pose can stretch the hamstrings (the muscles between the hip and the knee) and the calf. This can provide relief from lower back pain. For this reason it is considered beneficial in sciatica.


  • First of all, sit on the yoga mat on the knees and palms.
  • Then while exhaling, lift the body from the middle to the top.
  • In this state the head will be between the two elbows and the body will look like a ‘V’ shape.
  • Keep in mind that in this position both the legs and arms should remain straight.
  • During this asana, try to look at your navel by pulling your neck inwards. Also try to keep the heels on the ground.
  • Remain in this position for a few seconds.
  • Then by keeping the knees on the ground, slowly come back to the normal position.
  • This asana can be done 3 to 4 times.

7. Ardha Chandrasana

While doing this asana, the body looks like a half moon, hence it is called Ardha Chandrasana. This yoga asana is a part of Chandra Namaskar, which is believed to be good for sciatica. For this reason, it is believed that the pain of sciatica can also be reduced to some extent by Ardha Chandrasana (7) .


  • First of all, stand straight on the yoga mat and keep some distance between both the feet.
  • After this, spread both your hands away from the body and bring them parallel to the shoulders.
  • Now slowly bending to the right, place the right hand near the right leg and lift the left leg up.
  • Raise your left hand straight up towards the sky.
  • Then while turning your face upwards, focus your eyes on the left hand.
  • In this state, the right foot and right hand will remain on the ground and the left foot and hand will be towards the sky.
  • During this, the weight of the body will be on the fingers of the right foot and hands.
  • Remain in this posture for some time.
  • After that slowly come back to the starting position.
  • In the same way, do this yogasana by raising the other leg and hand.

8. Sleeping Padangusthasana

Supta Padangusthasana is called Reclined Hand to Big Toe Pose in English. By doing this asana, the problem of lower back pain can be reduced, which is a symptom of sciatica (8) . For this reason, it is believed that this yogasana can be beneficial in sciatica. Know how to do it below.


  • First of all, lie down on the yoga mat in the state of shavasana.
  • Then slowly stretch both the legs.
  • Now while exhaling, lift the left leg straight up.
  • Then try to hold the toe of the left foot with the hand.
  • If the toes can’t hold, tangle part of the strap on the sole of the foot and tuck the other part of the strap under the back.
  • After raising one leg, an angle of 90 degrees will be formed with the right and left leg.
  • During this both the arms will remain straight and the right leg will be stretched forward.
  • Stay in this position for about 30 seconds.
  • After this loosen the strap and come back to normal position.
  • If you have caught the toe with your hands, then leave it and bring the foot down comfortably.

9. Butterfly Asana

Titli Asana is also called Butterfly Pose in English. This yoga asana can strengthen the muscles of the inner thighs and hips by stretching them. Along with this, it can also get relief from the pain of sciatica (9) .


  • First of all, sit in Dandasana by spreading both your legs forward on the yoga mat.
  • After this, bend both the feet from the knees and join both the soles of your feet.
  • Now hold both your soles by making a grip of both the palms and bring the feet as close to the body as possible.
  • During this, keep in mind that the spine is absolutely straight and the knees are attached to the ground.
  • Now slowly move both knees up and down like butterfly wings.
  • While doing this, keep breathing at a normal pace.
  • In this way, you can lower the knees up and down for about 3 to 5 minutes.

10. Pavanmuktasana

Pawanmuktasana is made up of two words. The first means wind and the second means free. By doing this asana, the excess air present in the body comes out. It is called Gas Releasing Yoga in English. It is said that with this yoga asana, the muscles of the lower extremity of the body are exercised, which can reduce the pain of sciatica. Yes, while doing this yoga posture, do not put too much stress on the body, otherwise it can increase the pain of sciatica.

Method :

  • First of all, lie down on your back on a yoga mat.
  • After lying down, spread both the legs. During this, there should be no distance between the feet.
  • Now while inhaling bring both the legs close to the chest by bending the knees.
  • Then hold both the feet with the hands and try to touch the knees to the chest.
  • Now while exhaling, raise the head and try to touch the nose with the knees.
  • Now stay in this posture for some time.
  • Then while inhaling bring the head down and straighten the legs too.
  • Take rest for a few seconds and take a long deep breath and inflate the stomach and when you exhale, squeeze the stomach inwards.
  • You can do this asana one to two times.
  • go ahead something special
  • Now the question arises that which yogasana can increase the problem in sciatica. Come on, let’s know.
  • What Yoga Asanas Should Not Do During Sciatica – Yoga Poses To Avoid When You Have Sciatica
  • The pain of sciatica can increase by doing some yoga asanas. For this reason, we are telling about such yogasanas below, which can make the condition of sciatica worse (10) .
  • Trikonasana can increase the pain of sciatica.
  • Dandasana should also not be done during sciatica, it can affect the hips and lower back.
  • Vajrasana is also advised not to do during sciatica.
  • If there is a problem of sciatica during pregnancy, then do not do any type of yoga. During this yoga can compress the stomach and put pressure on the stomach.
  • Do Pawanmuktasana also carefully, otherwise it can increase the pain.

Yoga is such a path, by following which it can be easy to achieve a destination like health. For this reason, the dance of yoga is ringing all over the world. Then why don’t you also take the help of yoga to get relief from the problem like sciatica? Just note that some yoga postures can also increase the problem related to sciatica. In such a situation, read carefully about the yogasanas mentioned in the article. Here we have given information about both beneficial and harmful yogasanas for sciatica. If you consult a yoga teacher and do yoga under his supervision, then it will be better.


Is Cycling OK for Sciatica?

No, cycling is not good for sciatica. This can make the symptoms of sciatica worse .

How can sciatic nerve pain be prevented?

The pain of sciatic nerve can be stopped with the medicine prescribed by the doctor or you can also take the help of yogasanas mentioned above.

Is Walking Better for Sciatica?

Yes, walking can relieve symptoms of sciatica such as lower back pain. Regular walking releases the pain-fighting endorphin chemical in the body and can reduce inflammation.

Can stretching make sciatica worse?

Some stretching exercises cause more pressure on the discs in the back, which can make sciatica pain worse.

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