Benefits of Peas

There are some dishes which are incomplete without peas. Then whether we talk about pulao or veg biryani and matar-paneer. Few peas are enough to enhance the taste of these dishes. On one hand their taste is wonderful, on the other hand their Ayurvedic properties are also innumerable.  we will discuss these properties of peas, as well as introduce you to different ways of using it and its disadvantages. Before discussing about its uses and properties, let us know about the benefits of peas.

Health Benefits of Peas

1. Helpful in Weight Loss

Weight loss is also included in the benefits of eating peas. The reason is that it is rich in fiber. Also, the amount of calories in it is very less. Therefore, its use fills the stomach quickly and there is no feeling of hunger soon. In this way, its use can prove helpful in getting rid of obesity  .

2. Beneficial in Cancer

According to experts, many such nutrients are present in peas along with antioxidants, which have cancer-preventing properties. For this reason, prevention of cancer can also be includ in the benefits of eating peas .

3. Boosts Immunity

The benefits of eating peas also include the development of the body’s immunity. Actually, magnesium is present in abundance in peas  . At the same time, experts believe that magnesium proves helpful in increasing immunity in the body  . For this reason, it can be believed that its regular use can prove to be helpful in increasing the ability to fight diseases.

4. Take care of heart

According to experts, many special elements are found in peas, which are able to overcome cardiovascular disorders. In addition, they also have amazing properties of purifying the blood. For this reason, it can be believed that the benefits of peas also include controlling heart-related diseases  ,  .

5. Prevents Alzheimer’s

According to experts, a special element palmitoylethanolamide PEA is found in peas. At the same time, research done in this regard has also confirmed that palmitoylethanolamide a type of fatty acid has anti-neuroinflammatory and analgesic effects. These effects may be helpful in reducing risk factors related to Alzheimer’s disease. For this reason, it can be believe that the benefits of peas can be seen in Alzheimer’s disease.

6. Beneficial in Arthritis

It is believed that the benefits of green peas also include getting rid of the problem of arthritis. The reason is that a special element called selenium is found in it. According to experts, selenium proves beneficial in getting rid of arthritis. Therefore, it can be said that the use of peas can prove to be helpful in removing the problem related to the joints .

7. Anti-Cholesterol Properties in Peas

A research related to peas and cholesterol found that some such elements are found in peas, which have hyper-cholesterol, anti-cholesterol properties  . For this reason, it can be believed that excessive amount of cholesterol in the body can be controlled by the consumption of peas.

8. Helpful in Diabetes

According to experts, peas have antioxidant properties as well as anti-hyperglycemic blood sugar controlling effects  . For this reason, it can be say that the benefits of green peas also include controlling the high amount of sugar in the blood.

9. Useful for Bones

Along with calcium, magnesium, zinc, peas are found in abundance in vitamin C and vitamin K. According to experts, all these nutrients are very important for better bone health. Due to their deficiency, problems related to bones eg:- Osteoporosis begin to surround the person. In this context, it can be say that the use of peas can prove beneficial for bones.

10. Improve Digestion Process

A good amount of fiber, vitamins and minerals are found in peas, which are helpful in removing many stomach related problems. It also works to strengthen the digestive process. At the same time, research done in this regard also mentions that some elements are found in peas, due to which it has hypocholesterolemic cholesterol control and anti-carcinogenic cancer prevention effects as well as galactose oligosaccharides digestive. The presence of an element that induces helpful micro-organisms is also found in it. Which reduce to strengthen the digestive system.

11. Beneficial for the eyes

Peas contain two special elements called lutein and zeaxanthin. According to experts, both these elements are consider extremely beneficial for the eyes. Their use is helpful in removing many problems related to the eyes  . Therefore, it can be believe that the benefits of eating green peas can be found in increasing eyesight. Along with this, it also proves to be helpful in protecting against the factors responsible for it.

12. Useful in Pregnancy

Peas are rich in iron, calcium and folic acid as well as several vitamins and nutrients that are considered essential for a pregnant woman. For this reason, it can be believe that the benefits of eating green peas in pregnancy are many   .

Benefits of Peas for Skin

Benefits of Peas for Skin
Benefits of Peas for Skin

1. Presence of Vitamin C

The use of peas is considered extremely useful for the overall health of the skin. The reason is that vitamin C is found in abundance in it  . At the same time, it has been confirmed through a research that vitamin C proves helpful in removing skin-related disorders such as: – dryness of the skin, scars, wrinkles. At the same time, research has also been mention that vitamin C has the ability to protect against ultraviolet rays, along with anti-aging effects are also found  .

2. Preventing Inflammation

Consuming green peas can also be useful to prevent inflammatory problems. Actually, anti-inflammatory properties are found in peas. On the basis of this property of peas, it can be said that the consumption of peas can prevent problems related to inflammation  .

3. Anti-aging effect and wrinkles

It is believed that the use of peas is helpful in removing many skin related disorders as well as reducing the signs of aging related to the skin. The reason is that peas are considered a good source of vitamin-C  . At the same time, it has been confirmed through a research that vitamin C has the ability to remove skin problems like blemishes, wrinkles and dryness along with anti-aging effect. Due to this effect, it can be believe that the use of peas proves beneficial in keeping the skin young  .

4. Cracked heels

The use of peas can also prove to be helpful in getting rid of cracked heels. The reason is that vitamin-A and E are found in abundance in it  . Let us tell you that both these vitamins work to protect the skin from cracking. For this reason it can be said that the use of peas can prove to be a good remedy for the problem of cracked heels.

5. Makes Skin Glow

Let us tell you that along with vitamin A, vitamin C, zinc is found in abundance in peas. At the same time, research also confirms that antioxidant effects are found in peas. The special thing is that the antioxidant properties found in these three vitamins not only make the skin glowing, but also promote its better health  .

6. Relieves Burning

Peas are a good source of vitamin C  . At the same time, it has been confirmed through a research that in case of burns, vitamin C proves helpful in healing the affected area . On the other hand, a research related to vitamin C and skin has confirm that its use can prove to be helpful in removing many skin related disorders. In addition, it also contains the property of relaxing the skin  .

Method of use- Peas can be use as a paste along with eating for skin related benefits. You can use pea paste for all the skin related problems mention here. Applying its paste on the affected skin gives better results. Let us know how to make Pea Paste.

Material :

  • grams peas
  • a glass of water


  • First of all boil the peas in water.
  • After this, take out the peas from the water and keep it to be normal. Then put them in a mixer and grind them well.
  • Take your paste is ready. Now you can use it.

Benefits of Peas for Hair

1. Hair Growth

Consumption of peas can also prove to be very helpful in hair growth. Actually, the folate, and vitamin C found in it are consider better for hair growth. Their presence strengthens the hair roots and also works to increase their growth   .

2. Stop Hair Loss

The presence of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C along with zinc and iron makes peas extremely beneficial for hair  . It has been confirm through a research that the deficiency of all these elements can cause the problem of hair loss in humans  .

3. Benefits of Vitamin B

Vitamins of the B group, including folate, are found in reasonable amounts in peas  . At the same time, according to a scientific research, it has been confirm that all these types of vitamin-B not only work to improve the problem related to hair, but also play a supporting role in their growth by giving them new energy .  .

Method of use: – Talking about the use of peas for hair, then its consumption is the only option. There is no information available about other methods such as the use of its paste on the hair.

Nutritious Elements of Peas

Let us have a look at the nutrients of peas with the help of chart.

Total lipid (fat)g0.22
vitamin Cmg14.2
Vitamin B6mg0.216
Folate (DFE)µg63
Vitamin A (RAE)µg40
Vitamin A (IU)IU               801
Vitamin Emg0.14
Vitamin Kµg25.9
Fatty Acids (Saturated)g0.039
Fatty Acids (Polysaturated)g0.019
fatty acids (monosaturated)g0.102
Nutritious Elements of Peas

How to choose peas and preserve them for a long time?

Selection :

Although peas come in winter, but now they are available for 12 months. During this, while choosing peas, care should be taken that the pod of the pea should be green and its outer skin ie peel is smooth. This pea position tells you that you are making a better choice of beans. At the same time, it is also important for you to keep in mind that you should not choose beans with dry or withered skin. Also make sure that all the legumes chosen are full of coarse grain.

How to keep safe

  • Peas can be stored for a long time in the following way:
  • Fresh peas can be sealed in an airtight container and store in the refrigerator for three to four days.
  • It can also be preserved for a long time by keeping the peas in a boil.
  • At the same time, to keep the peas safe for a long time, it can be sealed in a poly bag and kept in the deep freezer.

How to Use Green Peas

Talking about the use of peas, we can understand them through some points:

  • Generally it can be use as a vegetable.
  • It can also be use by frying it to use it as a snack.
  • You can also include it in the form of salad like: – By using peas with carrots, beetroot and onions.
  • Peas can also be consume by making puris, parathas, cutlets, tikkis.

Side Effects of Green Peas

Talking about the harm of peas, there is no confirm information about it, but still, through some points, the general belief related to it can be understood.

  • Excessive use of peas can affect the digestion process.
  • Excessive use of peas can promote the problem of gas in the stomach. Therefore, people troubled by the problem of gas should not consume more of it.
  • Excessive use of peas can cause problems like flatulence, belching.

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