Benefits, uses and disadvantages of Chia seeds

Benefits of Chia Seeds

‘Small packet, big bang’, this dialogue fits perfectly on chia seeds. Also, if it is said about chia seeds that ‘small in appearance, full of effect’, then it would not be wrong. Chia seeds, which look small, are actually a treasure trove of qualities. Along with keeping you physically healthy, it can also help in reducing the symptoms of many diseases. Yes, if someone is seriously ill, then there is nothing better than medical treatment. In this article of Herbs science, we are telling you the benefits of chia seeds. Also here we will also tell you about the disadvantages of chia seeds.

What are chia seeds?

Many people have the misconception that chia seeds and basil seeds are the same vegetable, but this is not true. Chia seeds are scientifically known as Salvia Hispanica. These seeds are mainly found in Mexico. These seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, protein, antioxidants and calcium. This is the reason why chia seeds have been kept in the category of superfood. Its seeds are black, gray and white in color.

Some interesting facts about Chia seeds

Through the points given below, you will be able to know some interesting facts related to chia seeds, about which hardly some people are aware.

  • Chia seed is of mint species. You will be surprised to know that insects do not like mint. Therefore, this plant can be grown without the use of pesticides.
  • Chia seed plants are a little different and have specific growing needs. Therefore, they are grown between 23 degrees north and 23 degrees south latitude.
  • Chia seeds were discovered by Dr. Wayne Coats in the 1990s. He led a project in Argentina to find cash crops that could benefit farmers in the region.
  • Chia seed flowers are purple and white in color.
  • Why are chia seeds good for health? Now we will give you information in this regard in the next part of the article.

Why are chia seeds good for your health?   

Chia seeds are rich in many nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, protein, antioxidants and calcium. Due to the presence of these nutrients, chia seeds can be beneficial in many serious problems like diabetes, high lipids, high BP, depression, anxiety, pain and swelling. For this reason chia seeds are considered good for health. We will know in detail further in the article how chia seeds prove to be helpful in all these problems.

Benefits of Chia Seeds

Benefits of Chia Seeds

Due to the medicinal properties present in chia seeds, there are many benefits of chia seeds, which can prove useful for health as well as skin and hair. Here we will try to know in detail all these benefits of chia seeds.

1. Helpful in reducing weight

People who are troubled by the problem of obesity and are trying to control their increased weight. Chia seed benefits can prove useful for them. According to research conducted by Nutrition Research and Practice, consuming chia seeds in breakfast can satisfy hunger for some time. At the same time, the Journal of Food Science and Technology has also admitted in its research that the high protein present in chia seeds can help in reducing weight by reducing the feeling of hunger.

Apart from this, this has also been considered in a research by NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) based on chia seeds. Research shows that regular consumption of chia seeds can help in reducing weight to some extent by reducing the fat accumulated on the waist.

2. Beneficial for heart health

Chia seed benefits also include maintaining heart health. The proof of this is found in a research by NCBI. Research has shown that chia seeds are a rich source of fiber and due to the presence of fiber, it can help in maintaining heart health. Additionally, the Omega-3 fatty acids present in it can help in reducing increased blood pressure by controlling excess calcium and sodium.

Not only this, due to the presence of Omega-3 fatty acids, it helps in maintaining the functioning of the heart by improving the heart rate. This can help to a great extent in reducing the risk of heart failure.

3. Useful for bones and teeth

The benefits of chia seeds can also prove helpful in keeping bones and teeth strong . The reason is the abundant amount of calcium present in it, due to which it can prove beneficial for both the major organs of the body. This has also been directly accepted in two different researches.

Research in the Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders has shown that chia seeds are a good source of calcium. At the same time, calcium is a main element, which is helpful in the development and strengthening of bones. At the same time, a research by NCBI related to the skeleton system has believed that calcium-rich chia seeds are very useful for bones as well as teeth.

4. Control cholesterol

Controlling cholesterol is also included in the benefits of chia seeds. This has also been accepted in a research by NCBI. Research suggests that the fiber present in chia seeds can help reduce the risk of excess cholesterol.

At the same time, omega-3 fatty acids found in chia seeds can help in correcting the overall lipid profile. The lipid profile includes both triglycerides and cholesterol, so it can be assumed that chia seeds can also be helpful in reducing increased cholesterol.

5. Beneficial in diabetes and BP

Along with other health benefits, chia seeds can also prove beneficial in the problem of diabetes and high BP. This has been clearly stated in a research related to the benefits of chia seeds in the Journal of Food Science and Technology.

Research has found that the fiber, unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidant (inhibiting the effect of free radicals) properties present in chia seeds can jointly play a major role in controlling increased blood sugar. Not only this, the omega-3 fatty acids present in chia seeds can help in reducing increased blood pressure by controlling excess calcium and sodium.

6. Provides relief from constipation

Although constipation is a common and common problem, but if it persists for a long time, it can have bad consequences on health. In such a situation, consumption of chia seeds can provide relief from this problem to a great extent. In fact, chia seeds contain plenty of fiber, especially insoluble fiber. When chia seeds mix with water, they turn into a gel. Due to this, it can expand the stool and make it soft, which can make the process of bowel movement easier. In this way, the benefits of chia seeds can also be useful in the problem of constipation.

7. Reduce the risk of cancer

Use of chia seeds can also be helpful in fatal diseases like cancer . This fact is clearly mentioned in four different researches conducted on these seeds. A research by NCBI mentions that fiber and phytochemicals (rich in antioxidant properties) are present in chia seeds. Due to their presence, chia seeds can exhibit anticancer (inhibiting the growth of cancer cells) effect.

Apart from this, other research related to chia seeds mentions that the antioxidant properties present in it can be helpful in reducing the risk of prostate cancer. At the same time, a research by NCBI mentions that a special element called oligosaccharide isolated from chia seeds has the ability to reduce the effects of breast cancer to some extent.

Based on these facts, it can be assumed that chia seeds can reduce the risk of cancer to some extent. Still, it should not be considered a cancer treatment at all. Cancer is a fatal and lethal disease, for whose complete treatment medical consultation is essential.

8. Helpful in increasing energy

According to experts, chia seeds are rich in many types of fatty acids along with lipids, proteins and minerals. For this reason it is considered a good source of energy. On this basis, it would not be wrong to say that the benefits of chia seeds also include providing energy by supplying essential nutrients.

9. Rich in anti-inflammatory properties

NCBI’s research based on rats clearly mentions that due to the omega-3 fatty acids present in chia seeds, it can exhibit anti-inflammatory (swelling-reducing) properties. Due to this quality, it can provide relief from general swelling as well as pain caused by swelling in bones and joints.

10. Improve sleep

Use of chia seeds can also prove beneficial in the problem of insomnia. This is confirmed by a research related to chia seeds. Research shows that a special element called tryptophan is found in chia seeds . At the same time, research has also believed that tryptophan is useful for mental health. Also, it can be helpful in the problem of insomnia along with anxiety and depression. On this basis, it would not be wrong to say that chia seeds can prove helpful in the problem of insomnia.

11. Rich in antioxidants

Chia seeds are rich in phytochemicals and omega-3 fatty acids. Both these elements work as powerful antioxidants. At the same time, antioxidants can reduce the risk of diabetes, thrombosis (formation of blood clots), inflammation, arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and many types of cancer. In such a situation, chia seeds can be considered a good and easy option to supply adequate amount of antioxidants.

12. Improves mood

The benefits of chia seeds can be achieved in terms of mood swings and improvement of mood. A research related to the health benefits of chia seeds confirms this. Research shows that a special element called tryptophan is found in chia seeds, which is useful for mental health. Besides, it can also prove helpful in controlling impulsive behavior (mental impulses) along with anxiety and depression. On this basis, it can be believed that consuming chia seeds can improve the mood.

13. Good source of protein

As everyone knows, protein is mainly useful for bones, skin and muscles. A research in the Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology proves that chia seeds are rich in protein. Due to the amount of protein present in it, chia seeds can control triglycerides and blood sugar along with improving body weight.

14. Useful in pregnancy

Along with other health benefits, the benefits of chia seeds can also prove beneficial for pregnant women. This is mentioned in NCBI’s research related to the health benefits of chia seeds. Research has believed that consumption of chia seeds during pregnancy can improve the development of the retina and brain of the fetus.

15. Beneficial for skin

The benefits of chia seeds can also provide relief from some common skin related problems. According to a research by NCBI, chia seed oil can be helpful in lichen simplex chronic (skin inflammation), prurigo nodularis (rashes and itching). At the same time, it can provide moisture to the skin. Based on this fact, it would not be wrong to say that chia seed oil can be useful for the skin.

16. Chia seeds for hair

The use of chia seeds can show positive effects for health and skin as well as hair . The reason is that an amino acid called cysteine is found in chia seeds, which plays an important role in the growth of skin and hair. For this reason, using chia seeds can help in strengthening the hair.

17. Other benefits of chia seeds

Along with Omega-3 fatty acids, manganese, magnesium, chia seeds contain a good amount of fat, carbohydrates and many essential nutrients like fiber. This is why consumption of chia seeds can help in meeting the deficiency of all these nutrients to some extent. At the same time, due to the presence of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, vegetarian people can use it as a substitute for eggs. Along with this, it is also gluten free. Because of this, the intestines do not have to work very hard to digest these seeds.

Frequently asked questions

Can chia seeds be used as a substitute for flaxseed?

Yes, chia seeds can be consumed as an alternative to flaxseed, because the nutrients present in both are almost equal.

Can raw chia seeds be consumed?

Chia seeds are used directly by mixing them with other food ingredients. In such a situation, it can be assumed that raw chia seeds can be consumed.

Can chia seeds be taken by mixing it with curd?

Yes, chia seeds can be consumed by mixing them with curd.

Are basil seeds and chia seeds the same?

Talking about nutrients, both are similar, but there is a big difference which separates them from each other. That is, chia seeds contain twice the amount of omega-3 fatty acids as basil seeds. Besides, it also contains more fiber than basil seeds.

Are chia seeds a type of legume?

These are not beans, but seeds.

Can chia seeds be included in the paleo diet?

Yes, chia seeds can be included in the paleo diet. But, keep in mind that it should be taken in limited quantity only.

What is the effect of chia seeds?

Chia seeds have a cooling effect.

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