Causes Symptoms and Home Remedies for Urine Infection (UTI)

Urinary tract infection is called urinary tract infection (UTI). This includes the kidneys, bladder, uterus and urethra. This is a common infection. According to scientific research, 50 to 60 percent of women have urine infection at least once in their lifetime and it is more in women than men.

Causes of UTI – Causes of UTI

The main cause of urine infection is believed to be bacteria, which enter the bladder through the urethra. This infection usually develops in the bladder, but it can also spread to the kidneys. In most cases, this infection gets better on its own. However, there may be an increased chance of urinary tract infections in certain situations, which are seen as its causes. Some of these situations are as follows:

Diabetes Problem

  • Age or conditions that affect care habits (such as alzheimer’s disease and delirium)
  • Having trouble emptying the bladder completely
  • Having a urinary catheter (special tube that drains urine from the bladder)
  • Bowel problems
  • Obstruction of urine flow (eg enlarged prostate, narrowed urethra)
  • Kidney stone
  • Being immobile for a long period of time (especially when someone is recovering from a hip fracture)
  • During pregnancy
  • Surgery or other procedure involving the urinary tract

Symptoms of Urine Infection

Symptoms of urine infection can be different in women and men. Here we are mentioning the urine infection symptom in a sequential manner:

  • Thickening of urine, blood in the urine, or a change in its color (eg, yellow), which may be foul-smelling.
  • Some people may have a mild fever.
  • Pain or burning with urine.
  • Cramps in the lower abdomen or back.
  • Feeling of urine even after urinating.

Apart from this, if the infection spreads to the kidneys, then these types of symptoms can be seen:

  • chills
  • night sweats
  • fatigue
  • feeling sick
  • fever above 101° F
  • back or groin pain
  • red or hot skin
  • Mental changes or confusion (mainly these symptoms appear in the elderly)
  • nausea and vomiting
  • sometimes severe abdominal pain

Home Remedies To Reduce Urine Infection =

Urine track infection can be relieved by using the following home remedies. But, before that let us make it clear that the remedies mentioned here are not the cure for this disease. It can only help reduce the symptoms of the problem. So let’s go ahead in the article to know what things can be used to treat urine infection at home.

1. Caronde (crane berry) juice

Material :

  • 100 grams cranberries
  • a cup of water
  • a spoonful of honey

How to use :

  • Wash the carrots thoroughly.
  • Boil a cup of water in a pan.
  • Now put the washed carrots in water and cover and let it boil for 10-15 minutes on medium flame.
  • After boiling well, put the carrots in a sieve and press them slowly with a spoon to extract their juice.
  • After cooling down well, pour the juice in a glass and drink it mixed with honey.

How is it beneficial ?

Cranberry juice can be beneficial for getting relief from infection in urine. Research related to this provides information that regular consumption of cranberry juice can provide relief from urinary tract infections. Actually, the flavonoids present in it can help prevent infection-causing bacteria from spreading the urine. This is the reason that home remedies for urine infection can be done with the help of Karonde juice.

2. Water

Material :

  • Water
  • salt (optional)
  • How to use :
  • Drink at least eight glasses of water daily.
  • If you want, you can also add a pinch of salt to it.

How is it beneficial ?

The use of water for the home treatment of urine infection can be considered extremely beneficial. According to a research, drinking enough water keeps the body hydrated. Along with this, urine also increases. In this case, bacteria can exit the urinary tract through urine ( 4 ). On this basis, it can be assumed that the consumption of water can also be beneficial for the home remedy of urine infection.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Material :

  • Two tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • A spoonful of honey
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • A cup of water

How to use :

  • Drink a cup of water mixed with apple cider vinegar, honey and lemon juice.
  • You can drink this mixture thrice a day to treat urinary tract infection.

How is it beneficial ?

The use of apple cider vinegar is also included in urine infection home remedies. Actually, the amount of potassium is found in apple vinegar, which can help in preventing the growth of bacteria of urinary tract infection. In addition, it can also act as a natural antibiotic (killer of bacteria) to fight infection. Not only this, the acetic acid present in it can prove effective in relieving the infection by eliminating the bacteria. Apart from this, apple cider vinegar can also act as a better detoxifier, which can help flush out toxins from the body.

4. Baking Soda

Material :

  • One tablespoon of baking soda
  • a glass of water

How to use :

  • Drink a teaspoon of baking soda mixed with a glass of water.

How is it beneficial ?

Having frequent urine infections can be very painful. The use of baking soda can be beneficial for this. Actually, baking soda can relieve pain by reducing the amount of acid in the urine. In addition, it can also help prevent the spread of infection. At the same time, according to another research, baking soda can also relieve the problem of frequent, intense and excessive urination at night. On this basis, baking soda can prove to be a better option for home treatment of urine infection.

5. Tea Tree Oil


  • 10 drops of tea tree oil
  • bath tub full of hot water
  • a quarter cup sandalwood oil

How to use :

  • Put a few drops of tea tree oil in a bath-tub and let it sit for some time.
  • Apart from this, by mixing a few drops of tea tree oil in sandalwood oil, you can also massage the area near the bladder from above.

How is it beneficial ?

Urine infection can also be treated at home with the help of tea tree oil. Let us tell you that tea tree oil is rich in anti-bacterial properties, which can be effective against bacteria that cause bladder infections. This is confirmed by a research involving home remedies related to urinary infection. In such a situation, it would not be wrong to say that tea tree oil can be very beneficial for the home remedy of urine infection.

6. Blue Berry Juice


  • 100 grams blue berries
  • juice of half a lemon
  • a cup of water

How to use :

  • Wash the blue berries thoroughly and grind them in a mixer.
  • One cup of water can be added to it while grinding.
  • After grinding well, put it in a sieve and squeeze the pulp to extract the juice.
  • When the glass is full, add lemon juice and drink it.
  • If you want, to get relief from urinary track infection, you can also eat it by mixing it in cereals every morning.

How is it beneficial ?

Blue berries have bacteriostatic properties, which help fight urinary tract infections. It can also help prevent the growth of bacteria that cause UTI infections. At the same time, the vitamin-C present in it can be helpful in removing bacteria from the body with the help of urine. Apart from this, blue berry can also increase immunity. On this basis, it can be said that blue berry juice can be drunk as a grandmother’s prescription for urine infection.

7. Vitamin-C

Material :

Fruits rich in vitamin-C like mosambi, orange, broccoli, bell pepper, cauliflower, spinach and tomato etc.

How to use :

Include fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin C in your diet.

How is it beneficial ?

Consuming foods containing vitamin C can also be beneficial for urine problem home remedy. Indeed, vitamin C is a nutrient that can help fight infection by upregulating biological agents. According to a research, it is recommended to take 2 grams of vitamin C every hour for relief from the problem of UTI infection. This is the reason why the intake of vitamin C can be beneficial to reduce the symptoms of urine infection.

8. Pineapple

Material :

  • a cup of pineapple

How to use :

  • Put the pineapple in the mixer and grind it well and make its pulp.
  • Now put the pulp in a sieve and press it with a spoon to extract its juice.
  • Pour the juice in a glass and consume it.
  • If you want, you can also eat a cup of pineapple whole.

How is it beneficial ?

Home remedies for urine infection can also be done with the help of pineapple. According to a research, the bromelain enzyme present in pineapple exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, which can reduce the symptoms of urine infection. In such a situation, the use of pineapple can also be beneficial to reduce urine infection symptoms .

9. Green Tea

Material :

  • a cup of hot water
  • a green tea bag
  • a spoonful of honey

How to use :

  • Soak a green tea bag in a cup of hot water for a while.
  • Then take the bag out of the cup.
  • Now add a spoonful of honey to it and consume it.

How is it beneficial ?

According to scientific research, green tea has antimicrobial properties, which can prove to be effective in eliminating bacteria. Research mentions that green tea not only treats urine infection at home, but can also help prevent it from occurring. In such a situation, the use of green tea for grandmother’s prescription for urine infection can also be beneficial.

10. Lemon Juice

Material :

How to use :

Mix lemon juice in a cup of lukewarm water and drink it every morning on an empty stomach.

  • How is it beneficial ?

The use of lemon can also prove to be helpful in treating urine infection at home. According to research on the NCBI site, lemon has antimicrobial properties. This property of lemon can help to eliminate the bacteria that cause infection from the root. For this reason, lemon can help treat urinary tract infections.

11. Coconut Oil


How to use :

  • Include two to three teaspoons of coconut oil in your diet.

How is it beneficial ?

Grandmother’s recipe for urine infection Coconut oil can also be useful. Let us tell you that coconut oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. At the same time, according to a scientific research, omega 3-fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, which can be helpful in treating urinary infections. In addition, coconut oil can directly help prevent the growth of bacteria that cause urinary tract infections. On this basis, coconut oil can be considered useful for getting relief from urinary tract infection.

12. From the vaccine

Material :

  • two cloves of garlic
  • tsp olive oil

How to use :

  • Peel the garlic and grate them.
  • Mix olive oil in garlic and consume it.

How is it beneficial ?

The use of garlic can also be effective in reducing the symptoms of urinary tract infections. Let us tell you that garlic has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which can reduce the burning and pain caused by urine infection. According to scientific research, it also helps in relieving the problem of frequent urination. In addition, garlic can also be used to prevent frequent urinary infections. In addition, it can help relieve frequent and intense urination and pain.

13. Yogurt


  • 1 cup curd

How to use :

  • Eat a cup of curd after meals every day.

How is it beneficial ?

The use of curd can also prove to be a better option for grandmother’s recipe for urine infection . According to research published on the NCBI site, yogurt contains probiotics (good bacteria that aid in digestion). These probiotics may help protect the body from the risk of urinary infections. On this basis, it can be assumed that with the help of curd, urine infection can also be treated at home.

14. Parsley Tea

Material :

  • two bunches of parsley tea
  • four cups of water

How to use :

  • Finely chop the parsley tea leaves.
  • Now keep the water for boiling and when it comes to a boil, add chopped leaves to it.
  • Boil the leaves for 15 minutes.
  • After boiling, filter the water in a cup and drink it.
  • Drink it twice a day till the urine infection is completely cured.

How is it beneficial ?

Parsley tea has a diuretic effect, which can help flush out urinary tract infection bacteria through urine. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce the burning and pain caused by urinary infections. In such a situation, the use of parsley tea for urine infection treatment at home can prove to be beneficial.

15. Golden Seal

Material :

  • Golden Seal capsules or juice

How to use :

Capsules can be consumed as per the directions of the doctor.

How is it beneficial ?

According to research on the NCBI site, golden seals are rich in berberine. Which can be used against many types of bacteria (eg – E. coli and Proteus). Not only this, it is clearly mentioned in this research that the use of golden seal can also prove beneficial to treat urinary infection.

16. Uva Ursi

Material :

  • dried leaves of uva ursi
  • Tea

How to use :

  • Soak the dried leaves of Uva Ursi in water overnight.
  • While making tea the next morning, it can be added to tea along with tea leaves.

How is it beneficial ?

Uva Ursi can be used for Ayurvedic treatment of urinary tract infection. Actually, it is a medicinal plant, which has been used since ancient times as a natural medicine for urinary infection treatment. It has antiseptic (bacteria-destroying) properties, which can help fight urinary tract infections. This is the reason that the use of Uva Ursi can also prove to be effective for the home remedy of urine infection.

17. D’Mannose

It is a type of sugar, which, just like cranberry, sticks to E.coli (bacteria that cause urinary infection) and expels the bacteria through urine. It works as an antibiotic to treat urinary infections. For urine infection medicine, it can be taken in the form of capsules from any drugstore as per your doctor’s direction.

18. Pico-Silver Solution

The use of pico-silver solution may also be beneficial for the treatment of urinary infections. It is a drug made up of 99 percent pure silver elements, which is available in the market under the same name. Silver has anti-bacterial properties, which help fight infection bacteria. On this basis, Pico-Silver solution can be beneficial for home treatment of urine infection.

19. Amla

Material :

  • 100 grams amla
  • a pinch of black salt

How to use :

  • Cut amla into small pieces and grind it well in a mixer.
  • After the pulp is made well, take it out in a sieve and press it with the help of a spoon to extract the juice.
  • Pour the juice in a glass and drink it after adding a pinch of salt.

How it works :

The use of gooseberry for urine infection treatment at home can also be beneficial. Let us tell you that Amla is considered a good source of Vitamin-C. As we mentioned in the article, the enzymes present in vitamin-C fight infection and help in getting rid of tissue damage due to urinary infection. Apart from this, anti-microbial properties are also present in amla, which can help prevent the growth of bacteria that cause urinary tract infections.

20. Clove Oil

Material :

  • one teaspoon whole cloves
  • one tablespoon olive oil
  • five drops of oregano oil
  • 10 drops of essential oil

How to use :

  • Make a powder by crushing the cloves with the help of a mortar and pestle.
  • Now add a spoonful of olive oil to this clove powder.
  • Then put this oil in a bottle and mix oregano oil and myrrh oil in it.
  • Massage your soles with this mixture before sleeping at night.
  • After massaging, wear socks and go to sleep.

How is it beneficial ?

Clove oil has antimicrobial (fighting against bacteria), anti-fungal (fighting against fungal), anti-viral (fighting viral infections) and immunity-boosting properties. Due to the combined effect of all these properties, clove oil can be helpful in treating urine infection at home. Along with this, it may also be the reason for relieving the burning and swelling caused by urinary infection.

UTI Risks & Complications of Urine Infection

Let us now know what complications can arise from urinary infection in the future:

Urine infection can also lead to sepsis (life-threatening blood infection) in the future. Young, old and those people are more prone to this infection, whose immunity has been lost due to some reason such as – HIV patients.

  • kidney infection
  • complete kidney failure

Prevention Tips for UTI

Urinary tract infection can be avoided by the following measures:

  • Go to urinate immediately after sex.
  • Stay well hydrated and urinate regularly.
  • Take a shower instead of a bath.
  • Minimize the use of spray or powder in the genital area.
  • Never stop urine.
  • Always keep the area around the anus and vagina clean, so that bacteria cannot grow there.
  • Use only cotton underwear. Also, avoid wearing tight underwear.

It is very easy to catch this problem by the symptoms of urine infection. Remember, apart from the prescriptions mentioned in the article, it is also necessary to consult your doctor in this regard. Do not use any medicine without medical advice. If urine of a different color or more smelly is coming out for two to three days or more, then without delay see a doctor. Also, take special care of cleanliness, especially to avoid urine infection. Keep in mind, caution is the best and easiest way to avoid this problem.


How common are urinary tract infections?

Urinary track infection occurs in 50 to 60 percent of women in the world. It is the second most common problem in pregnant women after anemia. This problem is less common in men than women. According to research, only about 5 percent of men are affected by it.

What foods to avoid during urinary tract infection?

The bacteria of urinary tract infection thrive on sugar and those with diabetes are more prone to urinary tract infections. Therefore, avoid eating foods that work to increase the amount of sugar in your body. Also avoid consuming tea, coffee and carbonated drinks.

When does a urinary tract infection turn into a kidney infection?

When E.coli bacteria reach the kidney due to urinary infection, it takes the form of kidney infection. In such a situation, if urine infection is not treated on time, it can lead to kidney infection. Fever is common in kidney infection and this differentiates it from urine infection.

In how many days does urine infection get better?

In common urinary tract infections, taking antibiotics can provide relief in three days for women and 7 to 14 days for men. If a woman is pregnant or has a problem with diabetes, then a dose of antibiotics may need to be taken for 7 to 14 days.

Can wearing tight pants cause UTI?

Yes, wearing tight pants can cause UTI i.e. urinary tract infection. Actually, wearing tight pants brings moisture to the private part, which creates a suitable environment for bacteria to grow. Hence it is advisable to wear loose pants with loose cotton underwear. Especially if you are suffering from urinary tract infection.

Can Soda Cause UTI?

Yes, soda can cause UTI. Most sodas contain sugar, caffeine or artificial sweeteners, which can irritate the urethra and bladder. Therefore, it is advisable not to consume soda at the time of urine infection.

Can UTI go away on its own?

Yes, in most cases, a UTI can be cured on its own.

How long does a UTI last?

In most cases, urinary tract infections can be cured within 24 to 48 hours after treatment begins. At the same time, if there is a kidney infection, it may take 1 week or more for the symptoms to go away.

Can UTI bacteria be flushed out through water?

Yes, flushing out the bacteria of UTI through water can help. As we mentioned in the article that drinking sufficient amount of water keeps the body hydrated. Along with this, urine also increases. In this case, bacteria can exit the urinary tract through urine).

When should I see a doctor for a UTI?

There are some special symptoms, on the appearance of which without delay, in case of urinary tract infection, one should immediately consult a doctor):

  • back or side pain
  • chills
  • fever
  • Vomiting

Can children get urine infection?

Yes, urine infection can occur in children.

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