Cayenne Pepper Plant

cayenne pepper plant
Cayenne Pepper Plant

The cayenne pepper plant belongs to tropical and sub-tropical regions. It is cultivating in Central America, South, and Asia. The full sunlight exposed it best to grow. It is found all over the world. Cayenne paper is usually called Red Chilli in India. The cayenne pepper plant is about 10 to 25cm long and mostly thin, and it is intense and warm in taste.

What are the benefits of cayenne pepper plant

What is nutritional value of cayenne pepper

Negetive effects of cayenne pepper plant

Cayenne pepper plant vs paprika

Tips for growing cayenne pepper plant

The scientific name of Cayenne pepper is Capsicum annum and belong to the Solanaceae family; red chili is rich in many nutrients which has excellent health benefits as well as disadvantage.

Benefits of cayenne pepper

1. Cayenne pepper help to increase metabolism

Metabolism is an important physiological process that works by converting food into energy in the body. The benefits of the cayenne paper plant can be seen in promoting this process. And an element called Capsaicinoids present in the cayenne pepper plant is believed to responsible for the metabolic process, but more research is needed.

2. Cayenne pepper plant improves digestion

Improving weak digestion is one of the topmost health benefits of cayenne pepper. Actually, red chillies are rich in fibre which is considered to be helpful in digestion for food. The constant intake of cayenne pepper in a limited quantity may help to improve digestion.

3. Cayenne pepper to reduce blood pressure

Another benefit of cayenne pepper is that those people who are troubled by uncertain blood pressure. In this way, the cayenne pepper plant is nothing short of a miracle. It can act to control the rising blood pressure. Indeed, It contains a potent component called capsaicin which may prove helpful in reducing high blood pressure. At the same time, if high blood pressure is in serious condition, then the Dr should be contacted without delay.

4. Cayenne pepper helps in pain:

The cayenne pepper plant can prove useful for people with pain. As we mentioned above, it contains a special element called capsaicin which can reduce back pain, jaw pain, and other types of pain to some extent. If the pain is more than the medicine must be taken on the advice of the doctor. Also, be used as a home remedy.

5. It reduce the risks for cancer

The cayenne pepper plant can provide many health benefits, including cancer. According to a tour medical research published by NCBI (National Cancer for biotechnology information), and paper has anti-cancer properties, which can play an essential role in protecting against cancer risk. The capsaicin in it can help protect against lung cancer as well as gastric cancer. Capsaicin help prevents calls causing cancer to thrive. Cayenne pepper, of course, protects against cancer, but there is nothing better than medical treatment for it.

cayenne pepper
Red Chili Plant

6. Cayenne pepper plant provides protection to the heart:

It is very important for the body to have a healthy heart. For this, red chili helps a lot to keep the heart-healthy. As mentioned above, red pepper contains an element called capsaicin. It works to reduce high blood pressure, and high blood pressure is counted as one of the leading causes of heart disease.

Therefore, it can be said that this cayenne pepper plant can help in keeping the heart-healthy, but more research is still to be done.

7. Improvement in Psoriasis

A skin-related type problem called Psoriasis, in which the skin becomes red and flaky. Medicinal properties present in the cayenne pepper plant and can help to get relief from this problem. Creams or lotions containing capsaicin may be used for this. It would be good to consult a doctor once for its kind of treatment.

8. Cayenne pepper Relieving joint pain

Many types of pepper like Black PepperWhite Pepper can also be included in herbal medicines for the problems like joint pain; according to research which is published on the NCBI website, cayenne pepper can be used to relieve joint pain caused by osteoarthritis. It is a condition in which the bones become so big that even minor injuries can lead to fractures.

eed pepper plant
Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper Nutritional Value per 100 g

[Source: USDA National Nutrient data base]

PrincipleNutrient ValuePercentage of (RDA)
Protein12.01 g21%
Energy318 Kcal16%
Total Fat17.27 g57.56%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Dietary Fiber27.2 g71%
Carbohydrates56.63 g43%
Cayenne Pepper Nutritional Value
Iron7.80 mg97.5%
Copper0.373 mg41%
Zinc2.48 mg22.5%
Calcium148 mg15 %
Selenium8.8 mcg18%
Phosphorus293 mg42%
Manganese2.00 mg87%
Magnesium152 mg38%
Cayenne Pepper Nutritional Value
Folates106 mcg26%
Niacin8.701 mg54%
Pyridoxine2.450 mg39%
Thiamin0.328 mg27%
Vitamin A41610 IU1387%
Vitamin C76.4 mg127%
Vitamin E29.83 mg199%
Vitamin K80.3 mg67%
Cayenne Pepper Nutritional Value
Sodium30 mg2%
Potassium2014 mg43%
Cayenne Pepper Nutritional Value

Cayenne Pepper Disadvantages

The few things must be taken care of while using cayenne pepper because it might be bad for health sometimes.

1. A high intake of red chillies can cause stomach upset, diarrhoea, and burning sensation during bowel movements.

2. Too much use can cause gastric problems, and it also causes ulcers to become convoluted.

3. Red pepper may increase the risk of allergic reactions and irritation.

4. If someone uses a drug such as warfarin to dilute the blood, then consult a doctor before consuming red chilli.

Cayenne Pepper vs paprika

Sometimes paprika and cayenne pepper look similar while using but, both have a lot of the difference in their flavor.

Cayenne pepper and paprika both are spicy with their own identities.

Paprika Pepper and Cayenne are both made by a deep grounding in orange, red powder from dried chilli.

This Cayenne Pepper is a straightforward Savoury flavor, but paprika pepper is a sweeter variety of Chilli Pepper.

The powder of Cayenne usually makes the spicy dishes hotter, but paprika has put a fruity taste in dishes.

red chilli plants
Red Chilli Plants

Tips for growing cayenne pepper plant

Chilli plant flowering and fruiting increasing process are not so difficult. But for the good, the result must give attention to, what is taken care of growing the cayenne pepper plant.

Favourable climate

Cayenne pepper crop belongs to tropical and sub-tropical regions. This gives a better result if the temperature is between 20° to 25° centigrade in a humid environment. During production, crops can be damaged if the quantity of moisture is low.

Suitable soil

Cayenne pepper plant can be grown on many soil types, but a very good soil for it, fertile black soil. It is capable of moisture retention in the soil for a long time.

Delta Soil, Loamy Soil also provides a good result for cropping of cayenne pepper.

Maintenance of Buffer Zone

In the organic farming of cayenne pepper for the buffer zone, 7.5 meters to 15-meter space leaves for it. Also, give attention to the spacing of the farm and its Maintenance. Thus, It can not assume organic for this type of crop in the buffer zone.

Land Preparation

The farming of cayenne pepper plant can be done on any type of soil like delta soil, loamy soil, and smooth soil. But, Especially smooth soil and Mould soil with well-drained give the best result for the cayenne pepper plant. But acidic soil is never good for its farming.

For Cayenne Pepper, farming land is prepared two or three times. On every time for land prepare brakes the lump and mixed well the soil. And, it is necessary the use compost or fym@ per quintal before 15 to 20 days of sowing.

Cayenne pepper plant Origin from seed for this you need to have good quality seeds for its cultivation which can be capable of fighting against to the Bacteria and many types diseases of the plants. One should be careful with the choice of seeds. It can get from the recognized organic farm.

Cayenne pepper plant crop should be prepared and sowing three months before the Summer season. It will be set to harvest in around 70 to 80 days. When mature, it looks four to six inches long.

Botanical NameCapsicum Annuum
NameRed Chili/Cayenne pepper
Plant TypeAnnual/perennial
Sun ExposureFull sunlight
Mature Size4-6 inches
Soil pHNeutral pH
Soil TypeMoist, well-drained
Flower ColorPurple/White
Bloom TimeSummer/Spring
Hardiness Zones3-9
Cayenne pepper plant

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