Coconut oil to treat dandruff

Coconut oil to treat dandruff
Coconut oil to treat dandruff

Seeing off-white dandruff in dark colored clothes can be a cause of embarrassment for anyone. Many people keep distance from dark colored clothes due to fear of dandruff. Dandruff may seem like a common problem, but it affects the hair as well as the personality. In such a situation, it is important to pay attention to the problem of dandruff in time. Let’s see Coconut oil to treat dandruff.

Why is coconut oil beneficial for removing dandruff?

The benefits of coconut oil are not only for health and skin, but also for hair. Coconut oil has been used for many years to keep hair healthy. Also, coconut oil is considered useful for removing dandruff. It can be beneficial to prevent the problem of dandruff. Actually, coconut oil has antifungal and anti-bacterial properties. At the same time, a fungus named Malassezia furfur is also one of the causes of dandruff. In such a situation, it can be believed that the antifungal properties of coconut oil can be useful for dandruff.

In addition to fungus, dry scalp can also cause dandruff. At the same time, coconut oil has moisturizing properties, which can provide moisture to the skin. On this basis, it can be believed that the use of coconut oil can be useful in retaining the moisture of the skin and preventing dandruff. Even coconut oil has been used in many anti-dandruff oils. In such a situation, according to the information received, it can be believed that coconut oil can be beneficial to get rid of dandruff.

Use Of Coconut Oil To Remove Dandruff

There are many ways to use coconut oil to reduce dandruff. Here we are mentioning some of the main methods, which are very easy to use and also beneficial.

1. Coconut Oil for Deep Conditioning of Hair


  • Coconut oil (according to hair length)
  • shower cap or hot towel
  • comb


  • A few hours before bathing, divide the hair into small parts with the help of a comb.
  • After this, apply coconut oil in these parts from the roots to the ends of the hair.
  • When the oil is applied well, cover the hair with a warm towel or shower cap.
  • By doing this the oil will be well absorbed in the hair and scalp.
  • After about 30 minutes wash the hair with shampoo.

How is it beneficial?

According to research, the use of coconut oil for hair can be beneficial. Actually, coconut oil being lightweight can be easily absorbed into the hair. The lauric acid present in coconut oil can prove to be helpful in providing nourishment by promoting the proteins necessary for the hair. Along with this, coconut oil can also provide relief from the problem of dry and lifeless hair. On this basis, it can be believed that adding coconut oil to your hair care routine can be a good option to condition the hair naturally.

2. Massage the hair with lukewarm coconut oil


  • Coconut oil (according to hair length)
  • A bowl


  • First of all, heat coconut oil in a bowl.
  • Keep in mind that it should be hot enough to be able to touch.
  • After this, massage the lukewarm oil into the scalp and hair with light hands.
  • Leave the oil on for about 30 minutes, then wash your hair with regular shampoo.
  • It is better to apply lukewarm coconut oil in the hair shortly before bath.

How is it beneficial?

As we have given above information that dry or dry scalp can also cause dandruff problem. In such a situation, the use of coconut oil can be beneficial to retain the moisture of the skin of the scalp. Actually, coconut oil has moisturizing properties, which can be helpful in providing moisture to the skin. In such a situation, lukewarm coconut oil can also be used to provide nourishment to the hair and to prevent dandruff.

3. Coconut Oil and Lemon Juice


  • Coconut oil (according to hair length)
  • half teaspoon lemon juice
  • a bowl


  • First of all, take a bowl and warm coconut oil in it.
  • Then add lemon juice to lukewarm oil.
  • Now mix it well.
  • Then apply it gently on the scalp and hair with light hands, massaging it.
  • After massaging for about 10 to 15 minutes, tie the hair.
  • Then after two hours wash the hair with lukewarm water and shampoo.

How is it beneficial?

We have already given information related to the benefits of coconut oil for dandruff. At the same time, adding lemon juice can also be a good option to enhance the quality of coconut oil . As we have already informed that a fungus called Malassezia Farfar is one of the causes of dandruff. At the same time, lemon has antifungal properties, which can be effective on this infection. In addition, the citric acid present in lemon juice can be effective on the fungus (Malassezia farfar) and prevent it from growing. In such a situation, the use of lemon juice and coconut oil can be beneficial in the problem of dandruff.

Note: If someone has a wound or any kind of injury on the scalp, then refrain from using lemon, as it can cause irritation. 

4. Coconut Oil and Jojoba Oil


  • two to three tablespoons coconut oil
  • one teaspoon jojoba oil
  • a bowl


  • Take a bowl and mix these two oils in it.
  • Apply this mixture on your scalp and hair.
  • Massage the oil well into the scalp for about 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Cover hair with a shower cap or warm towel.
  • Leave this mixture on the hair for about 30 minutes.
  • After that wash the hair with a good shampoo.

how is it beneficial 

The benefits of jojoba oil are many for health. At the same time, jojoba oil can also be useful for dandruff and hair. Actually, jojoba oil is also used in many types of antidandruff shampoo. In addition, jojoba oil can condition the scalp and hair and prevent dry scalp. Also, it can be helpful in balancing the sebum of the skin.

Let us tell you that dry scalp can be the cause of dandruff, as well as oily skin is also one of the causes of dandruff. In this case, jojoba oil can be effective for both dry scalp and oily skin. On this basis, it can be assumed that its use with coconut oil can be more beneficial. 

5. Coconut Oil and Rosemary Oil


  • two tablespoons coconut oil
  • two teaspoons rosemary oil
  • a bowl

how to use

  • Take equal quantity of both these oils in a bowl.
  • After that mix it well.
  • Now apply this mixture on the scalp and hair.
  • Massage for about 5 to 10 minutes.
  • After this, cover the hair with a shower cap or a warm towel.
  • Leave the oil on the hair for at least 30 minutes.
  • After that shampoo.

how is it beneficial 

The use of coconut oil and rosemary oil can also be beneficial for the problem of dandruff. Actually, rosemary oil was also included in a research on essential oil for dandruff. According to the results of this study, rosemary oil was also found useful for dandruff. Along with this, it has also been confirmed to have antifungal and antidandruff properties, which can be effective for dandruff. It can also be helpful in providing nourishment to the scalp by reducing the dryness of the scalp. At the same time, we have already given information about the properties of coconut oil. In such a situation, its use with coconut oil can be a good option to get rid of the problem of dandruff.

Precautions To Take While applying Coconut Oil For Dandruff

Coconut oil is beneficial to get rid of dandruff, but during this time it is also necessary to take care of some things. In this part of the article, we are giving information about some precautions related to the use of coconut oil to reduce dandruff. So the precautions related to coconut oil to remove dandruff are as follows:

People who have sensitive skin may be at risk of being allergic to coconut oil . In such a situation, before applying coconut on the scalp, do a patch test.

Do not include in the prescription if you are allergic to any of the ingredients mentioned above.

As we have given information that oily skin is also one of the causes of dandruff. Therefore, it is better not to overuse coconut oil.

It is better to use any of the above-mentioned coconut oil remedies a few hours before taking a bath.

According to experts, the right time to apply oil to the hair is even before taking a bath. Therefore, apply oil in the hair a few hours before bathing.

Keep in mind that always use coconut oil tips to reduce oil in clean hair or the above mentioned dandruff.

Try this coconut oil remedy to get rid of dandruff or wash the hair with a mild shampoo a day before applying the oil, so that the dirt accumulated in the scalp and hair gets removed.

Excessive use of anything can lead to disadvantages rather than advantages. Therefore, to reduce dandruff, use these coconut oil remedies only once or twice a week.

frequently asked Questions

Does coconut oil aggravate the problem of dandruff?

No, as we mentioned above, the anti fungal properties present in coconut oil can be helpful in preventing or reducing the problem of dandruff.

Can coconut oil be applied on the scalp and left overnight?

A small amount of coconut oil can be applied on the scalp and left overnight. However, it is better to use any oil in the hair a few hours before bathing and wash off the hair oil with shampoo while bathing.

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