Fenugreek Side Effects

fenugreek side effects
Fenugreek seeds benefits

Fenugreek is used more in Indian cuisine for its strong and pungent taste. The taste of your food increases twofold due to the presence of dry fenugreek seeds. Fenugreek is being grown since olden times and the benefits of fenugreek are many. The Middle East is the origin of this herb is also known for its analgesic effect. Apart from this, the properties of fenugreek are also known to treat anti-diabetes. Fenugreek is also related to health, skin and hair. You can get detailed information about the advantages and fenugreek side effects.

What is fenugreek seeds?

Many types of seeds from herbs contain nutrients and medicinal properties, like papaya seeds and coriander seeds. Fenugreek seeds also work wonders. Fenugreek seeds are made by drying their leaves. The fenugreek plant belongs to the Fabaceae family. Its leaves and seeds are used as hot spices. Along with the taste, it also has many medicinal properties. The medicinal properties found in it can cure problems related to digestion and control diabetes. In addition, the consumption of fenugreek is beneficial for breastfeeding women. This can lead to the formation of milk in the breasts well. It also has the ability to heal the wound quickly.

Fenugreek Benefits for health

Fenugreek is great source of Fiber

The benefits of fenugreek are due to the fibre present in it. It does not digest quickly by eating fibre, which takes more time and energy to digest. This causes, the body’s metabolism is escalating and calories are also burned. Dried fenugreek leaves contain soluble fibre, which helps in digestion and prevents stomach problems such as constipation, indigestion etc.

Fenugreek Leaves restricts diabetic symptoms

The properties of fenugreek are also combining with diabetes as it reduces insulin. When you consume fibre, it takes more time and energy to digest the fibre. It reduces the rate of digestion, which causes the sugar molecule to slow down. This gives the pancreas time to produce insulin and the blood glucose level remains normal.

Fenugreek Benefits in maintains cholesterol

Fenugreek benefits in maintaining cholesterol normally. Being rich in fibre, the quantity of bad cholesterol is reduced, which keeps the intestine healthy. If the intestine is healthy, then the cholesterol content in the liver will also remain normal.

Another fenugreek benefit is that it can improve kidney function. Fenugreek at meals is especially linked. There are many chemicals that can be taken with food. This chemical can occur in many fruits and vegetables. Therefore, the kidneys will continue to work well by adding dried fenugreek leaves to the diet.

Promotes Cardiovascular Health

The fenugreek are not just beneficial for the heart, it also helps in reducing lipid levels. This reduces the chances of getting a disease called atherosclerosis in which fat and cholesterol start accumulating in the arteries. Here the properties of fenugreek do their work and help in normalizing the flow of blood throughout the body, which also keeps the heart-healthy.

Fenugreek benefits for skincare

The benefits of fenugreek are many for health as well as skin. When fenugreek seeds powder is applied on the skin with the help of light massage, then new cells are replaced in the skin instead of dead cells. This makes the skin refreshed and shiny. In addition blemishes and blackheads also decrease. You can also get the properties of fenugreek by mixing it with turmeric. Applying the mixture of both of these on the skin helps in the removal of oil from the skin.

Fenugreek Benefit For Health

The benefits of fenugreek are for health, skin as well as hair. The properties of fenugreek help prevent hair from turning prematurely white. Applying a paste of fenugreek to the roots of hair provides nourishment to the hair, which strengthens the hair. Apart from this, fenugreek is rich in vitamin C, which gives calcium and iron in small amounts to the hair.

Fenugreek Benefit in hair loss

Hair problems have become common nowadays. Massaging the hair roots with a paste of fenugreek removes dead cells. Washing hair after applying fenugreek leaves opens hair roots, due to which it becomes easier to get nutrition. With the benefit of fenugreek, the hair roots start nourishing in large amounts.

side effects of fenugreek
Side effects of fenugreek

How to use Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek can work in many ways, such as:

The extract of fenugreek leaves mixed with oil can be used to massage the scalp.

The warmth of fenugreek leaves wrapped in cloth and used for fomenting in the place of pain and swelling.

The taste of food can be increased by applying the tempering of fenugreek seeds to the lentils or vegetables.

Fenugreek powder is also included in pickles and parathas.

Washing hair by mixing extracts of Fenugreek seeds in the shampoo makes hair soft and shiny.

Nutrition Values of Fenugreek Seeds

Chemical CompositionNutrient Values (per 100 g)
Calcium176 mg
Iron33.5 mg
Zinc2.5 mg
Phosphorus296 mg
Magnesium191 mg
Manganese1.22 mg
Selenium6.3 µg
VitaminA 1040 IU
VitaminC 12 mg
Niacin6 mg
Pyridoxine0.6 mg
Thiamine0.41 mg
Riboflavin0.36 mg
Nicotinic acid1.1 mg
Folate57 µg
Protein & Amino acids 
Lecithin Totally25.4 g
4-hydroxy isoleucine
Fenugreek Nutrition Values

Source of the nutrition value of fenugreek:

side effects of fenugreek
Side effects of fenugreek

Fenugreek side effects

Lowered Blood Sugar Level

As mentioned earlier, the benefits of fenugreek seeds help to maintain blood glucose levels normal. But consuming it in large quantities can also result in side effects. This may cause blood sugar levels to be lower than normal. If you are taking diabetes medicines, do not consume fenugreek.

Respiratory Problems

Excessive consumption of fenugreek seeds can cause difficulty in breathing. Fenugreek Side Effects can also take the form of asthma.

Irritation and Allergies

Allergy cases due to intake of fenugreek seeds are very less. But still, it is important to stay away from the fenugreek side effects. Its seeds can cause allergic reactions or irritation and in this case, you may have trouble breathing, nausea and swelling on the face. If you are having any of these problems, then please consult a doctor. Those who think that they may have this problem, those people should talk to the doctor before consuming fenugreek seeds.

Bloating and gas

If you consuming more than the suggested quantity in a day. You probably start to experiencing bloating and gas. Also, it will make upset your stomach, or cause stomach pain.

Other Common Fenugreek side effects

It also creates Dizziness, Headache, “Maple syrup” Odor in urine, Wheezing, Facial swelling, Nasal congestion, Coughing, and other severe allergic reactions in sensitive people.

Roasted fenugreek seed can use a substitute for coffee, by roasting.

Fenugreek is one of the ingredients of the Indian curry mixture.

Fenugreek interesting Facts

It is working as a flavouring agent in manufacturing industries for making vanilla, rum and maple syrup.

The Fenugreek completes its cycle of life in one year so that it is known as an annual plant.

These Fenugreek dry leaves can be used as natural bug pesticides.

In ancient time Egyptian used Fenugreek for embalming. Fenugreek relics were found in pyramids.

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