Home Remedies and Treatment for Chest Pain

Treatment for Chest Pain
Treatment for Chest Pain

Whenever someone suddenly has chest pain, then he starts getting scared of a heart attack. Sure, sometimes it can be a matter of concern, but every time chest pain is not necessarily a heart attack.

Causes of Chest Pain

The cause of chest pain can be different for every person. Some have left side chest pan of the chest and some have right side chest pan. Apart from this, in some people, this pain may be sharp and for a long time, while in others this pain may be mild and of short duration. Let us tell about the cause of chest pain:

  • Cardiovascular Causes
  • Heart attack.
  • Angina when the blood vessels of the heart are blocked.
  • Pericarditis, is caused by inflammation of a sac near the heart.
  • Cardiomyopathy, is a disease of the heart muscle.
  • Aortic dissection, is when the aorta (a large blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the entire body) ruptures, causing sudden chest pain.
  • pulmonary causes
  • pneumonia
  • Pleurisy, is swelling of the lining around the lungs.
  • Pneumothorax occurs in the chest due to leakage of air from the lungs.
  • Pulmonary embolism or blood clot.
  • muscular or bone causes
  • Injured or broken rib.
  • Muscle pain due to exhaustion.
  • Pressure on nerves due to fracture.
  • other reason
  • Panic attack, in which breathing becomes rapid.
  • It is swelling at the rib joint from the breast bone.
  • Muscle tension between the ribs.
  • digestive system causes
  • stomach cramps
  • stones
  • heartburn
  • stomach ulcers

Symptoms of Chest Pain

There are no symptoms of chest pain because chest pain is not a disease. It can be a symptom of the reasons mentioned above, including some serious problems. To treat chest pain, it is necessary to treat its cause.

Home Remedies for Chest Pain

In this part of the article, some such ingredients have been told that can be a home remedy for chest pain. Here we tell the readers that these remedies can reduce chest pain to some extent, but they are not a permanent cure for their causes. In such a situation, it is important to understand the cause of chest pain and get it medically treated, so that the problem does not become more serious.

Know below what to do if you have chest pain.

1. Garlic

Material :

  • one teaspoon garlic juice
  • a cup of lukewarm water

What to do?

  • To treat chest pain at home, add one teaspoon of garlic juice to a cup of lukewarm water.
  • Mix it well and drink it daily.
  • If you want, you can also chew two pieces of garlic every morning.

How does this work?

The pages of history show that Hippocrates (a great Greek physician) used garlic to treat chest pain. In the causes of chest pain, we have mentioned that heart disease can be a cause of chest pain and the use of garlic is believed to be somewhat helpful in preventing heart disease. It can reduce the risk of heart disease risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. For now, further research is needed on this topic.

2. Vitamin-D

Research published by NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) has found that a deficiency of vitamin D in the body can cause chest pain. Actually, research mentions that vitamin-D deficiency can cause non-cardiac chest pain (chest pain not caused by heart disease). In such a situation, to avoid this, sources of vitamin-D such as fatty fish (salmon or tuna), cheese, egg yolk or mushrooms can be consumed.

3. Turmeric Milk

Material :

  • Half a teaspoon turmeric powder
  • A glass of warm milk

What to do?

  • Mix half a teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of milk.
  • For Ayurvedic treatment of chest pain, drink this turmeric milk.

How does this work?

Turmeric is believed to be a home remedy for chest pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It lowers high levels of cholesterol and its long-term consumption may also help protect against heart disease.

4. Basil

  • Material :
  • Eight to ten basil leaves

What to do?

  • Chew Basil leaves for home treatment of chest pain.
  • Apart from this, you can also drink Basil tea.
  • Extracting the juice of basil leaves, adding honey to it can also be consumed.

How does it work?

Basil has been used for centuries to keep the body healthy. You will probably be surprised to know that it can also be used to make home remedies for chest pain. It is believed that the use of basil can help reduce chest pain, such as heart disease, stones, inflammation, etc.

5. Cayenne Pepper

Material :

  • 1/4 tsp red chili powder
  • a glass of juice of any fruit

What to do?

  • Add red chili powder to a glass of fruit juice.
  • Drink this juice for home remedies for chest pain.

How does it work?

Capsaicin is a type of phytochemical found in chilies. This chemical is believed to help reduce the risk of several risk factors that cause chest pain, such as angina, heart disease, and stomach ulcers. As we have told that chest pain is not a disease and to treat it, it is necessary to treat the reason behind it. In this way chest pain can be treated at home using chillies.

6. Fenugreek Seeds

Material :

  • a spoonful of fenugreek seeds

What to do?

To treat chest pain at home, soak fenugreek seeds in water a night before and eat them the next morning.

Also, boil one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in water for five minutes. Then filter this water and drink it.

How does this work?

As we have mentioned that there can be many reasons for chest pain. One of the reasons for this can also be shortness of breath. In such a situation, fenugreek can be used to treat chest pain at home. Research published by NCBI mentions that consumption of fenugreek seeds can help in reducing chronic chest pain. For now, more research is needed to be done on this topic.

7. Almonds

Material :

What to do?

  • Soak almonds in water for a few hours.
  • After removing the peel, eat these almonds for Ayurvedic treatment of chest pain.
  • Almond oil and rose oil can be mixed in equal quantity and applied on the chest for instant relief.

How does this work?

You must have heard about the benefits of almonds for the brain , but do you know that it can also be used to treat chest pain at home. As we have mentioned that chest pain is one of the most common symptoms of a heart related problem. Almonds reduce bad cholesterol in the body and can help in maintaining adequate levels of good cholesterol. With its help, heart disease and chest pain caused by it can be avoided.

Treatments for Chest Pain

Just as the causes of chest pain are not the same, so the treatment is not the same. Talking about the medical treatment of chest pain, it completely depends on what is causing the pain. Keeping this in mind, doctors can give treatment and other information related to chest pain.

When should I consult a doctor?

It is advisable to visit a doctor immediately in the following situations–

  • Sudden feeling of pressure in chest.
  • Chest pain increases when it starts coming to the jaw, left arm or shoulder.
  • Nausea, dizziness, sweating, rapid heartbeat, or shortness of breath with chest pain.
  • Sudden chest pain longer than usual or for a longer period of time.
  • Chest pain while resting.
  • Sudden shortness of breath and chest pain after getting up after a long trip, rest for a long time or sitting in one place for a long time.
  • High fever and cough with greenish-yellow mucus.
  • Difficulty swallowing

Yogasanas to get relief from chest pain

1. Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar can be adopted to get relief from chest pain. It is believed that doing Surya-Namaskar daily can help keep the heart healthy. Surya-Namaskar consists of 12 mudras, which are performed step by step. These steps are explained in detail below –

Pranam Asana: First of all, stand straight and bring the hands near the chest and make a posture of Namaskar.

Hasta Uttanasana: While inhaling raise the hands up and try to bend back by bringing hands near the ears.

Padahastasana: Now while exhaling, bend forward and try to keep the palms on the ground. Now try to touch the knee with the forehead without bending the knees.

Ashwa Shandanasana: To do this asana, sit on the left leg while breathing in and then take the right leg back. During this, the right knee should remain on the ground. Now try to look up while expanding the chest forward.

Parvatasana: Now while exhaling, move the left leg backwards and try to lift the body from the middle. During this, keep the arms straight and try to touch the ankles to the ground.

Ashtangasana: Now while breathing in, keep the knees on the ground and touch the chest and chin to the ground.

Bhujangasana: For this, try to lift the upper part from the waist to the navel without leaving the breath. Also keep the palms close to the ground.

Parvatasana: Now lift the body from the middle leaving the breath out. Keep in mind that during this, keep the arms straight and the ankles touching the ground.

Ashwa Sanchalanasana: Breathing for this asana, bring the right leg forward and sit down. Keep the left leg straight and touch the left knee to the ground.

Padahastasana: While exhaling, bring the left leg forward. During this, keep the palms on the ground and the forehead on the knees.

Hasta Uttanasana: For this, while breathing in, raise the hands up and try to bend back.

Pranam Asana: Now return to the Namaskar posture as in the beginning asana.

2. Bhujangasana

If someone is having chest pain due to respiratory problems such as asthma, then Bhujangasana can be adopted to get relief from it. Know below how to do it –

  • To do Bhujangasana, first of all, looking at a quiet place, lay your yoga mat and lie on your stomach on it.
  • During this, keep the hands on either side of the head and keep the forehead on the ground. At this time, keep your legs absolutely straight and keep some distance between both the legs.
  • After this, bring your palms in line with the shoulders. Now while taking a long deep breath, put pressure on the ground with your hands and try to raise the body till the navel.
  • In this process, first of all your head, then the chest and finally the navel part will have to be raised.
  • Staying in this position, try to look at the sky while moving the neck back.
  • During this, keep the weight of your body equal on both the hands and keep breathing normally.
  • After staying in this position for a few seconds, come to the starting position while exhaling slowly.
  • This whole process will be considered as one cycle. You can complete four to five cycles of this asana as per your capacity.

3. Marjorie seat

  • Margariasana can also be done to get relief from chest pain. It is believed that it can relieve chest pain caused by disturbances in the digestive system. Know about the method of doing it –
  • First of all sit in Vajrasana by laying the yoga mat.
  • Now keep the hands on the ground in front and then come on the hands and knees. The body shape in this pose will look like that of a cat.
  • After this, while breathing in, press the spine down and try to raise the neck.
  • After staying in this position for a while, while exhaling, raise the spine and try to bend the neck inward.
  • After staying in this state for some time, slowly come to Vajrasana.
  • It completed one cycle. You can complete three to four cycles according to your ability.
  • The following things can also be taken care of to avoid chest pain.

Some More Remedies for Chest Pain

After knowing what to do if you have chest pain, know further what are the things to keep in mind to avoid chest pain.

  • Avoid excessive physical exertion.
  • Eat a balanced diet.
  • Don’t drink alcohol.
  • Avoid tobacco use.
  • Keep yourself stress free.
  • Jogging, morning walk and general exercise can be done under the supervision of a trainer.

After reading this article, you must have understood the causes and symptoms of chest pain. Also, you must have got information about what to do if you have chest pain. In case of general chest pain, you can do the home remedies for chest pain mentioned in the article. At the same time, if the pain is not decreasing, then contact the doctor immediately. We hope that this article proves helpful to you.


Why does right side chest pain happen?

Right side chest pain can be caused by stones.

Why does left side chest pain happen?

Left side chest pain can be caused by heart disease, but in some cases this pain can reach to the right side as well.

What can cause chest pain in children and adolescents?

NCBI research has found that in most cases, the cause of chest pain is not known. At the same time, in some cases, the reason behind this can be problems related to the respiratory system, heart, stomach, muscles and bones.

Can I have chest pain during pregnancy?

Yes, pregnancy can cause chest pain, reasons ranging from acidity to serious heart disease can be involved.

Can cold weather cause chest pain?

If someone has chest pain in cold weather, it can be a sign of coronary artery disease (damage to the major blood vessels of the heart).


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