How to stop vomiting:- Vomiting can happen at any time to anyone. Although it is not a serious disease, if it is not taken care of in time, it can cause serious problems. Many times people also take vomiting medicine to stop vomiting, the effect of which lasts only for some time, and in some cases, these medicines also have the opposite effect. Therefore, through this article, we will give you information about home remedies to stop vomiting. By doing home remedies for vomiting, not only will you get relief from it, but you can also avoid the harm of medicines.
What Caused Vomiting
There can be many reasons for vomiting, which we can know through the following points:
- Stomach problems
- Food poisoning
- Allergy to food
- Migraine
- Morning sickness during pregnancy
- Motion sickness while traveling
- Because of gas
- Diseases like cancer, appendicitis, kidney stone
- Being hungry for a long time
- Due to a cold or fever
Now that you know the causes of vomiting, now is the time to know the home remedies to stop vomiting.
How to Stop Vomiting
Sometimes people become dependent on modern medicines even for common physical problems. But doing so can be fatal at times. Unlike modern medicines, home remedies to stop vomiting can be effective for you, because their side effects are negligible. So let’s know how to do home remedies for vomiting.
1. Ginger
How To Use
- Consume it by mixing ginger and lemon juice.
- how often should you do this
- Repeat this remedy several times until you feel comfortable.
How is it beneficial?
Ginger not only enhances the taste of food but it is also very beneficial for health. Ginger has anti-emetic properties, that is, the properties of curing vomiting. If you want, you can also drink ginger tea by adding honey.
2. Spearmint leaves
- one tablespoon dried mint leaves
- a cup of hot water
how to use
- Let the mint leaves soak in hot water for half an hour.
- Then filter it and drink mint water like tea.
- Alternatively, you can also consume fresh mint leaves to reduce vomiting.
- how often should you do this
- Have one or two cups of mint tea in a day.
How is it beneficial?
Spearmint leaves and oil are used in the preparation of many medicines and they also help in getting rid of stomach related problems. Apart from this, it has anti-emetic and antispasmodic (antiemetic and antispasmodic) properties, which means stopping vomiting and reducing any kind of spasm. Due to which the problem of vomiting can be relieved to a great extent, although more concrete research is needed on this topic. But if you are not allergic then you can use it.
3. Fennel
- One tablespoon of fennel seed powder
- a cup of hot water
how to use
- Add powder of fennel seeds to a cup of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes
- Then filter it and consume it.
- how often should you do this
- Consume 1-2 cups in a day.
How is it beneficial?
The practice of eating fennel after a meal is in almost every Indian household. Fennel improves digestion and can work to relieve stomach problems. The anti-emetic properties present in it can also help in relieving problems like vomiting and nausea. You can consume a little fennel directly after having a meal.
4. Rice water
- cup white rice
- two to two and a half cups of water
how to use
- Wash the rice and boil it in the given water.
- After the rice is cooked, strain the water
- Now drink this water little by little
- how often should you do this
- In this case, this remedy shows immediate effect. If necessary, you can consume it two to three times a day.
How is it beneficial?
Many times you must have heard elders telling home remedies for some diseases. Rice water is also one of those old recipes. It is beneficial for the stomach, but how much and how it works as a remedy to stop vomiting, no concrete scientific evidence has come to the fore so far.
5. Cumin
- One and a half teaspoons of cumin powder
- a glass of water
how to use
- Take cumin powder mixed with water.
- If cumin seeds are not available, then grind whole cumin seeds and use them.
- how often should you do this
- You can consume it once or twice or as per your need.
How is it beneficial?
Sometimes stomach problems also cause nausea and vomiting. In such a situation, cumin can be very beneficial for the stomach and digestive system. Cumin can also be beneficial for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome, is a type of stomach problem in which problems like abdominal pain, and nausea start. Although there is no concrete evidence of how effective it can be in vomiting, it can be effective in problems like nausea.
6. Cloves
- two to three cloves
how to use
- Chew cloves to get relief.
- If you cannot tolerate the pungent taste of cloves, you can also consume a spoonful of honey while chewing.
- how often should you do this
- Repeat this once or twice a day.
How is it beneficial?
Clove is rich in anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. It can help in relieving stomach problems, headaches, toothache and many other problems. Apart from this, clove can also provide relief from nausea, vomiting, or motion sickness during travel because it also has anti-emetic properties.
Note: Pregnant women should consult their doctor once before consuming cloves.
7. Onion Juice
- onion juice
how to use
- You can consume onion juice and if you want, you can also add honey to it.
- You can also apply onion juice on the chest and behind the ears.
- how often should you do this
- Repeat this once or twice a day.
How is it beneficial?
Sometimes vomiting can also occur due to heatstroke. In such a situation, onion juice can be used as a home remedy to avoid heat or vomiting due to heatstroke .
8. Cinnamon
- a small piece of cinnamon
- a cup of hot water
- honey to taste
how to use
- Soak a cinnamon stick in a cup of hot water for 10 minutes.
- After 10 minutes take out the cinnamon and add honey to this water.
- Then drink it slowly like tea.
- how often should you do this
- Do this remedy at least thrice a day to cure vomiting.
How is it beneficial?
Many times women have problems with vomiting and nausea during periods, in such a situation, cinnamon tea can be an effective option. It will not only work to get rid of the problem of vomiting but also stomach pain during menstruation.
9. Salt-Sugar Water
Whenever there is a problem like vomiting and diarrhea, electrolytes are given. These are easily available in the market. If it is needed as soon as possible then it can be easily made at home by mixing salt and sugar. In case of diarrhea or vomiting, it is necessary to give the salt-sugar solution. It works to protect the body from dehydration.
10. Baking Soda
- a quarter teaspoon of baking soda
- half a glass of water
How To Use
- Mix baking soda in water and rinse with it.
- how often should you do this
- Follow this remedy to cure mouth taste after vomiting.
How is it beneficial?
There is no concrete evidence of whether this remedy will stop the problem of vomiting, but when the taste of the mouth worsens after vomiting, then baking soda can cure the taste of the mouth.
11. Essential Oil
- One to two drops of peppermint or Benefits of Lemon Leaveslemon essential oil
- a tissue paper or handkerchief
how to use
- Pour peppermint or lemon essential oil into a tissue paper or handkerchief and smell it.
- Smell continuously for a while.
- how often should you do this
- Repeat this whenever you feel nauseous.
How is it beneficial?
Both peppermint oil and lemon oil have anti-emetic properties. The aroma of these oils can reduce the feeling of nausea and also prevent vomiting. It has been proved in many types of research that it can be very helpful in reducing the problem of vomiting.
12. Lemon
- half or a lemon
how to use
- Smell the lemon for a while.
- how often should you do this
- Whenever you feel nauseous throughout the day.
How is it beneficial?
Women have problems like vomiting, nausea and morning sickness during pregnancy. In this situation, smelling lemon or lemon essential oil can reduce this problem to a great extent.
These were the home remedies to stop vomiting, now we will tell you further what things should be consumed after vomiting.
What to eat after vomiting?
Even if you recover after vomiting, it is important to be careful for at least some time. Otherwise, there may be a problem of vomiting again. That’s why it is most important to take care of food and drink. Know below what you can eat after vomiting.
- Drink plenty of water so that you do not get dehydrated.
- Do not eat food without oil and spices, but eat simple food.
Eat fruits.
- Do not eat too much in one go, but eat little by little throughout the day.
- Don’t eat heavy food but eat light food.
- In the later part of this article, we will tell you when a doctor’s advice is necessary in the problem of vomiting.
When should I consult a doctor?
If you are vomiting continuously even after taking home remedies for vomiting, then without delay, consult a doctor. If vomiting is not treated in time, then the patient’s life can also be in danger.
- If you are vomiting even after drinking water.
- Have fever and weakness.
- Have a problem with stomach pain.
- There was blood in the vomit.
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