Neem Oil Benefits, Uses and Side Effects

Neem oil is a natural substance extracted from the seeds of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica), which is native to the Indian subcontinent. It has been used for centuries in traditional medicine, agriculture, and skincare.

Neem Oil Benefits
Neem Oil Benefits

1. Gastrointestinal diseases

There is no conclusive evidence on how neem oil works to relieve gastrointestinal problems. At present, a research has said that neem bark extract has gastro protective and anti ulcer properties, due to which it is recommended to be consumed in many stomach related problems. This means neem bark extract may help benefit gastric hyperacidity and ulcer conditions. However, more research is still needed on this topic. Ugadi festival is celebrated in South India. Pachadi, a traditional dish prepared from neem flowers, is consumed on this day. Its consumption can be beneficial for the digestive system. Also it can help in boosting immunity.

1. For teeth

Neem oil can also be beneficial for dental problems . It is rich in antibacterial properties and can help remove dental plaque. However, do take medical advice once regarding its use for teeth. In addition, you can use neem twigs to remove bad breath, relieve toothache, and clean teeth .

2. Malaria

Neem oil can be used to prevent malaria . According to research, neem extract can protect you from mosquitoes that spread malaria, so neem oil is used in many insecticides. You can use neem oil topically or as a room diffuser to ward off mosquitoes .

3. Virus

Viral infections can be kept away by the use of neem. These include chicken pox, fowl pox and skin infections. This is possible only because of the anti-viral properties found in it . These properties of neem may be present in neem oil. Hence, it can be said that neem oil can be used to keep the virus away. For now, more research is needed on this. In case of chicken pox, keep neem leaves soaked in hot water for some time. Bathing with this water can provide relief in itching on the skin. Neem has antiviral properties, due to which it can be beneficial in skin related problems.

4. Ulcer

A study has found that ulcers can be removed by using neem. It has antiulcer properties, which can help in dealing with this problem. There is currently no precise scientific evidence on how neem oil directly works on ulcers .

5. To make medicine

Since ancient times, neem is being used in the manufacture of various types of Ayurvedic medicines. In particular, neem oil is used in a variety of medicines to treat skin problems acne, psoriasis, eczema, ringworm, etc.  .

6. Antiseptic properties

Many properties are found in neem, one of which is antiseptic. Due to its antiseptic and other properties, its oil is used in many types of medicines and cosmetic products  .

Above you read the benefits of neem oil for health, further you will know its benefits for the skin.

Skin Benefits of Neem Oil

1. Relief from dry skin

When the moisture content of the skin decreases, the skin becomes dry. In such a situation, many skin related diseases can arise. Neem oil can be used to overcome the problem of dry skin. Neem oil works to soothe dry skin. Also, vitamin-E, amino acids and fatty acids are found in it, which work to nourish the skin. Among these nutrients, especially Vitamin-E helps in maintaining moisture in the skin. Therefore, neem oil may be beneficial for dry skin.

How to use :

Mix a few drops of neem oil in half a teaspoon of coconut/almond oil.

Then apply it on the skin like normal oil.

This remedy can be done twice a week.

2. Alleviating Eczema and Psoriasis

As we told that neem oil is rich in special nutrients like vitamin-E, amino acids and fatty acids. For this reason, this special oil can play an important role in removing skin problems like eczema and psoriasis. Know below how to use the oil.

How to use :

  • Mix 8 to 10 drops of neem oil in half a teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Then apply it on the affected skin with the help of cotton and leave it.
  • Repeat this remedy daily until the problem is cured.

3. Relief from itching and fungal infection

The benefits of neem oil can work to remove itching and fungal infections. Actually, neem is enriched with anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and these properties are also present in neem oil. Know below how to use neem oil.

How to use :

Take some neem oil and leave it on the affected skin thoroughly.

This remedy can be done twice a day.

4. Anti aging serum

Neem can be used to slow down the effects of ageing. Neem has antioxidant properties, which can reduce the effects of aging. Therefore, it can be believed that the use of neem oil can be helpful in reducing the effects of ageing. However, scientific evidence is not available to confirm this.

How to use :

With the help of cotton, apply neem oil on the skin for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Then wash the skin with lukewarm water.

5. Acne

If you have acne on your face, then neem oil can prove beneficial for you. It is rich in anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help in removing acne.

How to use :

  • Mix one teaspoon of neem oil with one teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Apply this mixture on the acne affected area.
  • Wash your face with lukewarm water after an hour of applying it.

6. Ringworm

Neem oil can also work to remove the problem of ringworm. Actually, neem oil has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, which can work to remove the problem of ringworm.

How to use :

  • Lightly heat neem oil.
  • Then apply it well on the ringworm and leave it.
  • This remedy can be done twice daily till the ringworm is cured.

7. Skin Toner

Toner is used to clean the dirt of the skin. In this case, neem oil can be used as a toner. For this, the anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties found in it can be beneficial.

how to use

  • Clean the skin with neem oil with the help of cotton.
  • Later wash the skin with lukewarm water.

8. Pigmentation

 Vitamin-E is found in neem oil and according to a research, vitamin-E can protect against hyperpigmentation caused by UV rays. However, more research is needed on this topic.

How to use :

Apply neem oil on the face and leave it for 15 minutes.

Then wash with lukewarm water.

9. In making cosmetics

Neem oil has many Ayurvedic properties. This is the reason why it is used in the manufacture of many types of cosmetics products. You can also make homemade cosmetic products using neem oil at home.

How to use :

  • Mix 6 to 9 neem leaves in 8 to 10 basil leaves and grind them.
  • Then add one spoon of honey and half a cup of Multani Mitti to it and mix it well.
  • Apply this mixture on the face and leave it for 30 minutes.
  • Then wash it with water.
  • Above you read the benefits of neem oil for skin, further you will know its benefits for hair.

Hair Benefits of Neem Oil

Neem Leaves Medicinal Uses
Neem Leaves Medicinal Uses

1. Hair growth

Neem oil can be used to make hair thicker and stronger along with hair growth. It contains a variety of fatty acids, including linoleic, oleic and stearic acid, which nourish the scalp and hair.

How to use :

  • Mix two spoons of neem oil in one spoon of almond or coconut oil.
  • Apply it well on the hair before sleeping.
  • Use it once a week.

2. Treatment of head lice

Neem oil can also prove to be effective in eliminating head lice and their eggs. Of course, there are many lice killing products available in the market, but neem oil is one of the best and natural cures.

How to use :

Warm neem oil slightly and apply it on the hair before going to bed at night.

  • Then cover the hair with a shower cap and leave it overnight.
  • Remove the lice from the hair using a comb in the morning and shampoo the hair.
  • You can repeat this remedy if the problem is not completely resolved.

3. Russian

Neem oil can be used to overcome the problem of dandruff . Neem has anti dandruff properties. For this reason, it is also used in dandruff shampoo.

How to use :

  • Mix one spoon of coconut oil with two spoons of neem oil and heat it lightly.
  • Then apply this mixture to the hair and massage it for a few minutes.
  • Shampoo the hair after 25 to 30 minutes.

4. split ends   

As you read above, neem oil can help in making hair thick and strong. Along with this, the problem of dandruff and lice can be overcome by its use. Neem oil works to nourish the hair and scalp. Therefore, it can be assumed that the use of neem oil can cure the problem of split ends. However, there is no scientific evidence to confirm this.

How to use :

  • Mix neem oil with a few drops of coconut oil.
  • Then apply it well in the hair.
  • Wash the hair with shampoo after one or two hours.

5. Improve Hair Texture

Neem oil works to nourish hair as well as remove many hair problems, but there is no exact scientific evidence on how effective it will be in improving hair texture. Still, you can use neem oil for hair texture as mentioned below.

How to use :

  • You can use a few drops of neem oil mixed with your regular shampoo.
  • This remedy can be done twice a week.

6. For Healthy Scalp

Using neem oil can also be beneficial for the scalp. Actually, many types of fatty acids are found in neem oil, which can work to nourish the scalp along with the hair.

How to use :

  • Mix half teaspoon eucalyptus oil, one teaspoon coconut oil and half teaspoon neem oil.
  • Apply this mixture completely on the hair and scalp and massage lightly for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • For best results, apply it before sleeping and leave it overnight.
  • Shampoo your hair when you shower.
  • Let us know how neem oil can be used.

How to Use Neem Oil

How to use:

Neem oil mixed with olive oil can be applied on any type of wound on the body.

Neem oil can be applied on the skin to keep mosquitoes away.

Neem oil can be sprayed in the house to keep mosquitoes and insects away.

Neem oil can be applied on the skin to reduce the effects of aging.

  • Neem oil can be used for teeth on medical advice.
  • Neem oil can also be used for hair application.

Side Effects of Neem Oil

The way neem oil is beneficial, it can also have some disadvantages, which are as follows:

Some people have sensitive skin, due to which the use of neem oil can cause skin allergies.

There are many fake neem oil also available in the market. Using them can cause harm to the body.

If neem oil is accidentally consumed, it can cause toxicity in the body, causing problems like vomiting, headache, and nausea.

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