Yoga for acidity and gas

Yoga for acidity and gas
Yoga for acidity and gas

An unbalanced and disturbed diet can cause many stomach related problems, including acidity and gas. Hardly anyone could have escaped from these problems till date. People make many efforts to get relief from this, but do you know that the problem of acidity and gas can be overcome through yoga. You need to How to have a balanced diet.

How Yoga is beneficial in Acidity

Yoga can prove to be beneficial to improve the problem of acidity and gas. A medical research published on the website of NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) clearly states that by doing meditation and yoga, problems related to the digestive system can be reduced, including acidity and gas problems.

At the same time, according to another research, the practice of yoga can be beneficial in preventing many digestive problems and their symptoms. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is one of them, which can cause gas as well as acidity in the stomach. Research has reported that regular practice of Kapalbhati and Agnisara Kriya can improve severe symptoms in patients with GERD. On this basis, it can be assumed that yoga can be beneficial for gas and acidity.             

Yoga to reduce Acidity and Gas

In the article below , we are giving information about how various asanas of yoga can be beneficial to reduce the problem of acidity and gas.

1. Halasan

How is it beneficial?

Halasana can be included in the list of yoga for acidity and gas. While doing this asana, the body looks like a plow, due to which it is known as Halasana. In a research published on NCBI, Halasan has been considered beneficial for constipation, indigestion and other digestive problems. On this basis, it can be believed that regular practice of Halasana can provide relief from the problem of acidity and gas.

Method of doing:

First of all, lay a yoga mat on a flat place.

Now lie down on the mat on your back.

Keep the hands close to the body and keep the palms towards the ground.

After this, while inhaling, take your feet up and make an angle of 90 degrees.

If there is trouble in lifting the legs, then you can support the waist with your hands.

Then while exhaling slowly, try to touch the toes of the feet with the ground.

Now remove the hands from the waist and keep them straight on the ground as before.

Keep breathing normally in this posture.

After that, come back to the normal position comfortably.

You can do this yoga asana three to five times according to your ability.


Women should avoid doing Halasana during periods.

Avoid doing Halasana even if there is a neck injury.

Pregnant women should avoid this asana.

People suffering from problems related to cervical or spine should not practice Halasana.

2. Vajrasana

How is it beneficial? 

Vajrasana is also known as Diamond Pose. Vajrasana can be beneficial for the problem of gas and acidity. In a research that doing Vajrasana yoga can help in removing digestive problems. It has been told in research that it can increase blood flow, which can provide relief in constipation, acidity, piles, intestinal gas etc. In this way Vajrasana can be counted in yoga for acidity and gas.

Method of doing:

First of all, lay a mat and sit on your knees.

Make sure that the toes of both the feet are joined together. Keep the ankles apart.

Now rest the buttocks on the ankles and place the palms on the knees.

Keep the head and back straight.

Join the knees together.

After that close the eyes and continue breathing normally.

Try to sit in this position for at least ten minutes.

If there is pain in the knees while doing Vajrasana, then do not forcefully do this asana.

Try to sit in this position for one to two minutes daily and gradually increase the time to do it.


Do not do this asana if there is pain in knees and feet.

Avoid this asana if the knee or ankle bone slips.

People with hypotension i.e. low blood pressure should not do Vajrasana.

If someone has had knee surgery, do not do this asana.

Pregnant women should not do this asana.

Do not do it at all if there is a problem with the spine.

3. Ustrasana

How is it beneficial?

Ustrasana is known as Camel Pose in English. By doing this asana, many stomach related problems can be relieved. According to a research, Ustrasana asana can show a positive effect on constipation and indigestion along with strengthening the digestive system. At the same time, the problem of constipation can cause acidity and gas.  

Method of doing:

First of all, sit in the position of Vajrasana on the yoga mat.

After that stand on your knees.

Now take a long breath and while bending back, hold the heel of the left foot with the left hand and the heel of the right foot with the right hand.

Keep in mind that during this time the face should be towards the sky.

In this position all the weight of the body will be on the hands and feet.

Stay in this posture for some time and keep breathing normally.

After that come to the starting position.

This asana can be done four to five times. 

Precautions :

Patients with hernia and high blood pressure should avoid doing this asana.

Do not do this asana even if there is any kind of pain.

4. Pawanmuktasana

How is it beneficial?

The problem of acidity and gas can also be relieved through Pawanmuktasana. A study clearly mentions that Pawanmuktasana can be very beneficial for digestion related problems. 

Apart from this, according to another research, doing this asana regularly has been considered effective for the problem of constipation along with improving the process of bowel movement. At the same time, it has already been told in the article that the problem of acidity and gas can be due to constipation. In such a situation, it would not be wrong to call Pawanmuktasana beneficial for acidity and gas problem.

Method of doing:

Lie on your back by laying a mat on the ground and keep your hands close to your body.

Take a deep breath and bend the right leg from the knee and try to hold the knee with both hands and try to touch the chest.

After this, while exhaling, lift the head and try to touch the nose with the knee.

Remain in this position for a few seconds.

Then bring the legs and head to the starting position while exhaling.

After completing the process of the right leg, do the same with the left leg.

Then repeat this process by taking both the legs together.

This asana can be easily done four to five times.


If there is pain or injury in the back and waist, then avoid doing this yoga.

Do not do this yoga posture at all after meals.

5. Anulom Antonym

How is it beneficial?

If someone is troubled by the problem of acidity and gas, then by practicing Anulom Vilom Pranayama daily, relief from these problems can be found to a great extent. Actually, in a research, Anulom vilom has been described as beneficial to control the amount of fat in the body. At the same time, being overweight is one of the main causes of acidity and gas problems. In view of these facts, Anulom Vilom can be considered beneficial for the problem of acidity and gas.

Method of doing:

Before doing Anulom Vilom, keep in mind that it is done only through the middle finger and thumb of the right hand.

To do this asana, first sit on the yoga mat in Padmasana posture.

If there is a problem in sitting in Padmasana posture, then you can also sit in Sukhasana posture.

Those who are having trouble sitting on the ground, then they can sit on the chair.

After this, close the eyes and straighten the waist.

Take a long breath and release slowly and try to concentrate the mind.

After this, close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand and breathe slowly through the left nostril. Do not strain at all while breathing.

Now after closing the nostril on the left side with the middle finger of the right hand, remove the thumb from the right side and exhale comfortably.

Take rest for a few seconds and close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand. Then remove the middle finger from the left nostril and exhale slowly.

In this way the cycle of Anom-Vilom is completed. 

Five to seven cycles of Anulom Vilom can be done daily for about 10 minutes.

Precautions :

The benefits of Anulom Vilom are more before eight o’clock in the morning than in the evening.

If someone is doing anulom-vilom for the first time, then practice it under the supervision of a yoga instructor.

To get more benefits of Anulom-Vilom, take special care of food and drink.

Make sure that the steps for doing anulom-vilom are correct.

People suffering from severe heart disease, blood pressure related diseases should proceed for the practice of this asana only on medical advice.

Pregnant women must also consult a doctor before doing this yoga asana.

6. Bhastrika Pranayama

How is it beneficial?     

Like Anulom Vilom Pranayama, Bhastrika Pranayama can also be beneficial in relieving the problem of gas and acidity. This is confirmed by a research. Indeed, being overweight is one of the main causes of GERD. Research paper clearly states that Bhastrika Pranayama can control obesity and reduce GERD (acidity) to a great extent. On this basis, it can be said that Bhastrika Pranayama is also included in the list of yoga for acidity and gas. 

Method of doing:

First of all, lay a yoga mat on a flat place and sit on it in Padmasana posture.

During this, keep the head, throat and spine absolutely straight.

Now take long and deep breaths through the nose. Keep in mind that the mouth should not remain open while doing this asana.

Take a deep breath. The lungs should be fully inflated during this process.

After this, in one stroke, release the filled breath through the nostrils of both the nostrils.

The exhalation should be so rapid and jerky that the lungs contract with the exhalation.

Thus one cycle of Bhastrika is completed by inhaling and exhaling rapidly.

In the beginning, slowly about 10 – 12 cycles can be completed.

When used to it, its intensity and chakras can be increased according to its capacity.


In the beginning, this yogasana should be practiced at a slow pace. 

Do not do Bhastrika Pranayama if you are suffering from a serious problem.

Pregnant should not do this yoga without doctor’s advice.

If someone has recently had surgery, then do not do this yoga.

If you are doing Bhastrika Pranayama for the first time, then practice it only under the supervision of an expert.

7. Kapalbhati Pranayama

How is it beneficial?

Kapalbhati Pranayama can prove to be effective to reduce the problem of gas and acidity . According to a scientific research, Kapalbhati shows a positive effect on the muscles of the lower abdomen. Also, it can play an important role in clearing the respiratory tract and strengthening the diaphragm. By strengthening the diaphragm, it can reduce gastroesophageal reflux from the stomach to the esophagus. Explain that acidity is known as gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Method of doing:

First of all, spread the yoga mat on a clean and clean place.

After this, sit in the posture of Sukhasana, Vajrasana or Padmasana. 

Now keep both the hands on the knee in meditation posture. 

Keep in mind that during this time keep the spine straight and eyes closed.

After that take a deep breath and release slowly. Do this action at least 2 times.

Now exhale through the nose. During this, pull the stomach inwards.

Do this 15 to 20 times without stopping.

Keep in mind that the mouth should be closed during this time. Do not inhale or exhale through your mouth.

In this way at least 15 times, one cycle of Kapalbhati Pranayama is done.

Three such cycles of Kapalbhati Pranayama can be done.

After this, sit for a while in Sukhasana and meditate.

Precautions :

Those who are doing Kapalbhati Pranayama for the first time, they should start it only under the supervision of a specialist.

Those who have high blood pressure, epilepsy, heart problems and migraine, they must consult a doctor once before doing Kapalbhati Pranayama.

If someone is pregnant, consult a doctor once before doing Kapalbhati.

Do not eat or drink anything before and after doing Kapalbhati.

Those who have complaint of asthma, also they should do Kapalbhati Pranayama carefully.

During menstruation, you should avoid Kapalbhati.

People who are suffering from nose bleeding, they should not practice this pranayama.

8. Paschimottanasana

How is it work for our body?

This can be included in your daily yoga routine to get relief from problems of gas and acidity. Actually, a research shows that use of Paschimottanasana can be good and very beneficial to reduce problems of irritable bowel syndrome. Let us tell you, acidity and gas are symptoms or sign of irritable bowel syndrome. Due to this  basis, we suggested that Paschimottanasana can be helpful and beneficial in the acidity and gas problem.

Method of doing:

Lay a yoga mat on the ground and sit with your legs stretched forward.

Make sure that in this position both the legs are adjacent and the knees remain absolutely straight.

At the same time, the head, neck and spine should also be straight during the exercise.

Now raise both the hands upwards, then while exhaling slowly bend forward and try to hold the toes of the feet with the hands while keeping the forehead close to the knees.

Keep in mind that the knees should not bend while bending forward.

Try to remain in this position for a few seconds and keep breathing at a normal pace.

Finally, take a deep breath and come back to the starting position.


Do not do this asana in stomach pain.

Pregnant women are advised not to do this asana.

People who suffer from problems like asthma, ulcers and slip discs (joint disorders) should avoid doing this asana.

If you have had an operation related to the back, waist or any other part, then do not try to do this asana at all.

People suffering from diarrhea should not attempt to do this asana.

The problem of acidity and gas is very common due to poor diet and deteriorating lifestyle. If they are not treated in time, then these problems can also take a serious form. At the same time, yoga for acidity and gas has been mentioned in the article, with the help of which digestion related problems can be avoided. People suffering from acidity and gas problems can include these yogasanas in their lifestyle. Along with yoga, it is also important to take care of a balanced diet. If the problem is serious, then do not delay in contacting the doctor at all. 

Frequently asked questions

Is Bhastrika Pranayama good for acidity?

Yes, Bhastrika Pranayama is good for acidity. Provided that it is done in the right way.

Which pranayama is best for acidity?

It is good to do Kapalbhati Pranayama regularly for acidity.

Is Kapalbhati good for acidity?

Yes, Kapalbhati can be a safe and beneficial pranayama for acidity .

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